Propaganda of a Revolutionary
The Soldiers of Bondage have a determination,
To gather the masses to hear our proclamation.
It is time to end the discrimination,
That terrorizes the people of the oppressed nations.
Why is it the factions continue the hatin’,
That’s propagated by the oppressor that all of us are facin’?
Too busy gang-bangin’ and listenin’ to radio stations;
And believin’ the tyrants when they say we’re mistaken.
Caught up in the deception we don’t see what they’re fakin’,
So we continue to struggle like something forsaken.
And as the years go by we forget what was taken,
So we abandon the war that we had been wagin’.
Lost throughout history the terror of Caucasians,
As they enslaved the Negro and persecuted the Asians.
Don’t forget the Indians on a war-path ragin’,
At the injustice of the Wyte man’s invasion.
The capture of men and the practice of encagin’,
Those men and womyn that they weren’t enslavin’.
In horror our ancenstors watched as the fiends were rapin’,
Every man, womyn, and child that they had taken.
Imperialist pigs want us dragging our feet;
To succumb to their tyranny and acknowledge defeat.
But a Revolution has started, led by S.O.B.;
Whose goal is to crush the oppressor and set the people free.
United we stand before the masses and speak;
In defiance we roar and reject defeat.
Attacking the oppressors until all of them bleed;
Not satisfied until they’re six-feet deep.
The Revolution is strong while tyrants are weak,
In supplication they bow begging for peace.
No longer do we wish to hear the barbaric swine shriek,
Nor the sound of our loved ones as they wail in grief.
We gave them a chance to pack their bags and leave,
But in arrogance they stayed thinking we wouldn’t succeed.
For how could they know the power of a seed,
That was planted long ago and is now a tree?
Nourished by the blood of our comrades who died;
Sacrificing their lives so that we might survive.
We’ve had enough of the Capitalist lies,
They’ve fed us for years throughout our lives.
Now is the time for the people to rise,
And let them know it is them we despise.
In anger our voices soar and in passion we cry,
At the outrage of all the people we had to see die.
How dare they have the audacity to hope,
That they’ll be given a chance to escape their rope.
It wasn’t in weakness we started this revolt;
We’ve gotten this far and we won’t start to choke.
As the funeral pyres burn the sky fills with smoke,
We annihilate our oppressors with a merciless stroke.
They had heard of our struggle but thought it was a joke;
Confronted with reality none of them spoke.
The time of slavery has come to an end,
And the era of freedom is about to begin.
Gone will be the inequality of men;
While society embraces its enemies as kin.
On a brand new axis the world will spin,
When the Revolution we’re waging finally wins.