Prisoner Punished for Seeing Things Greater than Himself
… All of [my grievances against censorship are] of course used against me. In my annual review report it was written that, “He does display some twisted thinking with moral reasoning… When the topic goes too close to personal issues, [XYZ]’s defense is to move the discussion to grander political issues.” The institution that I’m in would have me believe that my being incarcerated had all to do with poor decision making skills. How I wish it was that simple.
When I look at my community I can see that everyone I knew had a family member who was doing or did time. Going away to do time was deemed normal, and I don’t say that to minimize my own actions. You do better once you know better, but yet here I am attempting to learn better but they’re refusing me that knowledge. Why? Because knowledge turns into wisdom and wisdom is authority.
Well, here I am comrades, inside of one re-education camp of America. A place where they attempt to teach me that my community is fine, the system works, it’s me that has the problem. They want me to get out and worry about myself. Get all the nice things that money can buy, so that I can sit in luxury and watch my people suffer inside of poverty. They can keep attempting, because I will not reform. I will fight the battles in my reach to continue our progression, and that will be until victory or death.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This is a good example of how bourgeois society pushes individualism on people, and how psychology serves that purpose. The so-called “corrections” profession in amerika would have you believe that they are doing the objective work of punishing those who did “bad.” But to those in the system, it is much clearer what is really going on. And when people start to develop consciousness of how the system works, the system does all it can to keep people thinking in narrow individualist terms.
Individualism serves the capitalist system where few prosper and many suffer. The system is threatened when the oppressed masses act as a united majority instead of as individuals going up against powerful institutions all alone. The individualist world outlook has repercussions that go much further than the u$ injustice system. It is crucial for all aspects of maintaining a system where a few nations benefit off of the many. That is why we struggle for a socialist society, where re-education camps actually encourage people to look at the systematic level and see things from a perspective much greater than themselves. Only by building on the accumulated knowledge of our whole society can we progress to a more peaceful, harmonious world.