Prisoner killed by guards; officers fake scene to deflect blame
I’m in (C.M.) Closed Management for attacking 5 officers, after smoking a substance known as K2, they tell me I whacked out. I don’t remember nothing, anyways I no longer do that drug (any drugs).
I recently got another roommate, he came in on Friday 20th 2017. He said he left here 2 weeks ago for a hernia operation, but was sent back before he even seen the doctor. Lake Butler is a medical facility, where all inmates go to have operations done.
Prior to him leaving (RMC) he said on Wednesday 18th 2017 a white male around 30-40 years of age in K dormitory wing 3 room 3117 declared a psychological emergency and was screaming, crying, and kicking on the door. At approximately 6:30pm a lieutenant, sergeant and 3 other officers came into the wing with the shields to do an extraction, however this was done without a camera, when the cell door opened they rushed in and the man that was screaming began to gag like he was being choked. A few minutes gone by and there was total silence, the 5 officers walked out the cell and relocked the cell door and one of the officers said, “now if you continue this disruptive behavior we will be back”.
An hour later one of the same officers came back and did a round, when he got to 3117 he stopped and was like “hey, whats wrong with you, what did you do to yourself” over and over, saying this very loudly. He then radioed to whomever and the same lieutenant and sergeant showed up. When they arrived they called the nurse. 2 female nurses came and tried to resuscitate him. When they wheeled him out on the stretcher his whole head was deep purple, eyes and mouth wide open. He had been dead since they left him in there over an hour ago because there was (NO) noise coming from his room, after they entered. They killed him, even the inmate that is directly across the hall said that the man had shitted all over himself. This same inmate was either transferred or moved to another dorm within an hour of this incident.
Around 9-10pm an officer sat in a chair directly in front of the room acting like he was there for a suicide watch. This is only done when there is an actual person in the room who is threatening to hurt himself, so the only thing we can come up with is that these officers are trying to cover up this murder by re-enacting the crime scene. What other purpose is to guard an empty room, not empty of the dead man’s property but empty of life.