Prisoner Jobs at Pendleton Correctional Facility, Indiana

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[Prison Labor]

Prisoner Jobs at Pendleton Correctional Facility, Indiana

  • Prison Population = 1800
  • Total Jobs 636 (35%)
  • Manufacturing jobs = 15 (Make picnic tables that the state sells to parks in the state)
  • Agriculture jobs = 0
  • Prison Maintenance = 266 (hours & pay varies between 15¢, 20¢, 25¢ an hour)

Other Jobs

  • Barber shop - 8 workers (25¢ an hour, 33 hours per week)
  • Officer’s Barber - 2 workers (25¢ an hour, 37.5 hours per week)
  • Shoe Shine - 2 workers (20¢ an hour, 37.5 hours per week)
  • Comissary - 4 workers (25¢ an hour, 37.5 hours per week)
  • ICAN (Indiana Canine Assistance Network) - 29 workers (25¢/hr, 56 hrs per week)
  • American Legion Clerk - 1 worker (25¢ an hour, 37.5 hours per week)
    • Organizes Legion events
  • Housing unit reps - 6 workers (25¢ an hour, 56 hours per week)
    • Speak for the offender population
  • Laundry - 6 workers (20¢ an hour, 35 hours per week)
  • Blind Walkers - 2 workers (25¢ an hour, 56 hours a week)
    • Lead the blind around.
  • Recreation workers - 6 (20¢ an hour, 56 hours per week)
  • Dept. of Labor - 24 students (4 month time cut)
  • Recovery While Incarcerated - 48 participants (6 month time cut)
  • Plus Program -39 participants (6 months time cut)
  • True Self - 38 participants (no time cut, $26.00 a month)
  • G.E.D. - 36 students (15¢ an hour, 32.hours per week)
  • Suicide Companions - 60 workers (20¢ an hour, 12 hours per week)
  • Law Library - 9 workers (25¢ an hour, 47.5 hours per week)
  • Clothing Issue - 3 workers (25¢ an hour, 37.5 hours per week)
  • Maintenance Training - 14 students (4 month time cut)
  • Print Shop - 7 workers (25¢ an hour, 40 hours per week)
  • Chapel - 1 worker (25¢ an hour, 40 hours per week)
  • Mentors - 10 workers (25¢ an hour, 60 hours per week).
    • Help with mentally ill offenders

Those without jobs have no way to buy hygiene products for themselves unless they have family who sends them money.
