Perseverance and Commitment in Texas Lawsuits
It has been a while since I’ve sent you anything due to all the time involved with fighting the Texa$ Legalized Mafia (Texa$ Department of Criminal (in)Justice) in Federal Court. But I’ve got to the point that I had to make a report on the advances I’ve made in our struggle.
- I sent a letter (which a copy of is enclosed) to the Medical Practice Manager on my Unit who works for University of Texas Medical Board (UTMB). I was reimbursed $100 of the $400 I owed them. Upon his response I sent him another letter informing him that though I was thankful for that, it was not enough, I wanted it all back. The next day it was done. Enclosed is a copy of the first letter I sent to the UTMB Practice Manager. I only have one stamp right now, so I will send the rest of the paperwork when I get a chance.
- My lawsuit against the Texas Board of Criminal Justice is going great. The Court shot down the Ass. Att. General Leah O’Leary’s Motion to Dismiss and her Supplemental Motion for Summary Judgment and gave me until September 9, 2016 to have all my Despositive Motions in. I’ve already done that and filed two complaints of Bad Faith on the Defendants’ part for attempting to defraud the Court on several occasions. I’ve asked for two separate sanctions ordered and for the Court to order a Default Judgment in my favor. It won’t be long and we will get the Revision to Board Policy-03.91 Correspondence Rules repealed.
My next 1983 Lawsuit in Federal Court against the Texas Board of Criminal (in)Justice is going to be over them violating our 14th Amendment right of equal protection under the law, which prohibits sexual/gender discrimination, due to their grooming standard policy. Women who are incarcerated in Texas can grow their hair as long as they want to, but men can’t have it very long at all. This is a gender-neutral act and the state is discriminating between the sexes/genders. I’ve already gotten my informal resolution back from Warden Butcher at Terrell Unit and filed my Step 1 grievance. When it comes back I will file my Step 2 and so on into Federal Court.
Once I finish that one I am going to file against them for slowly but surely denying us due process by removing the tools we need to fight against unconstitutional acts. First in September 2014 they hid the Offender Grievance Operations Manual, and now I read in your latest ULK that they banned the Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook.
It is unbelievable how people watched me struggle day in and day out every day with this fight, and started donating paper, pens, envelopes, and documentation to help me. Please send me everything you can on the ban on the Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook and the Offender Grievance Operations Manual. Right now I’m in Ad-Seg because I was given 5 bogus major cases and an illegal use of force. They didn’t use a chemical agent; they had it on hand but instead just beat me for 30 minutes on tape.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We commend this comrade on eir commitment to continuing eir lawsuits which benefit all prisoners in Texas, even though ey is facing persynal physical retaliation from prison staff.
We know that unfortunately the retaliation is more consistent than the victories. So while we support this comrade’s efforts at this stage in our struggle, we also know that legal action alone won’t put an end to the litany of abuses. What we ultimately need is to organize for self-determination of all oppressed peoples worldwide, including the internal semi-colonies within U.$. borders. Until we are free from Amerikkkan imperialism, we will always have a need for these lawsuits, and face even worse conditions. In the meantime, we organize, educate and try to carve out space for our survival.