Wut Good Is A Mind Without Knowledge?
It’z Equivalent To Packin’ An Empty Gun
If We’re Speakin’ In Symbolics.
Glock 40 Filled Wit’ Dummy Roundz.
Been Lied To So Long Don’t Even Kno How
Tha Truth Soundz.
Bein’ Taught To Hate Ourselvez!
Tha Poor Killin’ Tha Poor, But Seem To Ignore
Tha Onez Who Take Our Wealth.
Kan’t Ovastand If You Fall Fa Propaganda.
Quit Chasin’ Easta Bunnies, No Mo Milk And
Kookies Fa Santa.
Spendin’ Our Whole Life Savins On Theze
Pagan Celebrationz.
Then Tha next Year Slavin’ Sufferin Ekonomik
Perplexed By Our Situation, Constrained By
Lack Of Ovastandin’.
And So Easily Pacified By Simplistical
Sayin; All I Eva Wanted Wuz Some Jordanz
And A Gold Chain
Even The Scarecrow Had Enuf Sense To
Try And Find Himself A Brain.
So Who’s To Blame Fa Tha Perpetuation Of
Diz Mental Genocide?
If I Dies We Lose 2 Livez Brotherly Bound
Together Like We Were Geminiz.
From A Nation Of Great Mindz Supreme
Mathmatikz And Masta Buildinz.
But Look At Us Now, Our Math Iz Division
And All We Masta Iz Destruction And Killinz.
And Wut About Our Children We’ve
Entrusted Wit Our Future.
Who Are Afraid To Go To School In Tha
Dayz Of Mass Shootaz.
Stricta Gun Lawz Won’t Help Because
Shootaz Recordz They Are All Clean.
So Fuck Ya Background Check!! Give Me
Dat AR-15.
Wut Hunta Needz An Assault Rifle? You
Shootin’ Deer Or You Huntin’ Man??
Anotha Attempt To Control Tha Population,
When Will Diz Nation Ovastand???
It’z Equivalent To Packin’ An Empty Gun
If We’re Speakin’ In Symbolics.
Glock 40 Filled Wit’ Dummy Roundz.
Been Lied To So Long Don’t Even Kno How
Tha Truth Soundz.
Bein’ Taught To Hate Ourselvez!
Tha Poor Killin’ Tha Poor, But Seem To Ignore
Tha Onez Who Take Our Wealth.
Kan’t Ovastand If You Fall Fa Propaganda.
Quit Chasin’ Easta Bunnies, No Mo Milk And
Kookies Fa Santa.
Spendin’ Our Whole Life Savins On Theze
Pagan Celebrationz.
Then Tha next Year Slavin’ Sufferin Ekonomik
Perplexed By Our Situation, Constrained By
Lack Of Ovastandin’.
And So Easily Pacified By Simplistical
Sayin; All I Eva Wanted Wuz Some Jordanz
And A Gold Chain
Even The Scarecrow Had Enuf Sense To
Try And Find Himself A Brain.
So Who’s To Blame Fa Tha Perpetuation Of
Diz Mental Genocide?
If I Dies We Lose 2 Livez Brotherly Bound
Together Like We Were Geminiz.
From A Nation Of Great Mindz Supreme
Mathmatikz And Masta Buildinz.
But Look At Us Now, Our Math Iz Division
And All We Masta Iz Destruction And Killinz.
And Wut About Our Children We’ve
Entrusted Wit Our Future.
Who Are Afraid To Go To School In Tha
Dayz Of Mass Shootaz.
Stricta Gun Lawz Won’t Help Because
Shootaz Recordz They Are All Clean.
So Fuck Ya Background Check!! Give Me
Dat AR-15.
Wut Hunta Needz An Assault Rifle? You
Shootin’ Deer Or You Huntin’ Man??
Anotha Attempt To Control Tha Population,
When Will Diz Nation Ovastand???