No pay for work in Georgia

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[Prison Labor] [Georgia]

No pay for work in Georgia

Prisons in Georgia cut down trees, scoop waste from pipes, make clothes, cook food, repair equipment, do plumbing, fight fires, till the land, teach school, make boots, and many other things. Yet we don’t get any benefits, workers comp, or pay, whatsoever. Any labor, whatever the work, is done for free. Wages don’t exist in the Georgia Department of Corrections. The only way you can earn money is by working the last 6 months of your sentence in a halfway house or pre-release center.

Most of the public has no objections to Georgia prisoners not being paid. They support laws that make it harder for us to succeed or enjoy life. They want us to stay in prison forever. When we get out they don’t want us to be able to get a good job or live anywhere near them.

Politicians talk about rehabilitation but that ain’t what they really want. They want only to exploit others for gain and retain power. This system we are under doesn’t care about the people, they only pretend to care.
