No Law Library Access in Allred Seg

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[Legal] [Allred Unit] [Texas]

No Law Library Access in Allred Seg

I see in the Jailhouse Lawyers Manual that the prison library should have a state digest for Texas. I have tried to request this state digest but had no luck in receiving it. Since I am in segregation and can’t get out, we have to rely on the law library staff to fill our requests and bring it to our cells. Most of the time we don’t get anything and the staff will not send us notice of why we didn’t get it. I have been requesting the same case for the past 3 or 4 months and have not received it.

Here on this unit us inmates who are in segregation can’t get the whole books anymore. We have to request by citation cases only. They got a library holding list that’s got all the books but even if I request the master index in order to request the part of the book I need to look through, which they are supposed to photocopy a section of pages to bring to you, they never bring you nothing!

The staff here at this unit law library don’t even know key numbers or statute numbers, and don’t know most of case citation numbers. I have to ask a number of times to receive the Black’s Law Dictionary index so that I may find the part of its pages that I need to research for my case. But never received it.
