No Help for PTSD After Release

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[Release] [Mental Health]

No Help for PTSD After Release

I graduated college and was quite active in community prior to 2014. Well, one word: PTSD. I exited fedz with quite a serious case of it, which I sought counseling for. After a year the fedz canceled funding so I was left to fend for self. Entering campus with massive crowds saw one experience anxiety attacks. Two successive altercations with tribal members where one reacted as if back on the yard and resulted in other’s physical harm, and my dormant insomnia/stress returning. Due to my aiding state in suppressing documented evidence of my PTSD ongoing crisis, it never got introduced at trial. Causing one to appear to have beat people up for no reason. And the introduction of party validation into a weak case served its desired purpose: incite fear.

Presently doing 45 years as I was given more time than a murderer. Prayerfully the appeals gain one some justice. However I hold no faith in a system designed to entomb the poor and silence the militant. My remaining days of life shall be devoted to the destruction of my/our oppressors. By any means necessary!

MIM(Prisons) responds: This story is all too common: prisons cause physical and mental health problems, which in turn make it difficult for people to survive on the streets. And so many people end up getting locked back up.

It’s hard enough to stay on the streets finding housing and a job. It’s even harder if you want to continue with your revolutionary activism. This doesn’t mean you should give up, but it does mean you’ll need support. We at MIM(Prisons) are working to improve our Re-lease on Life program so that we can provide some of that support. Right now that’s limited to political support. We can help you build the structures necessary to stay active on the streets. But you’ll have to do your part by communicating with us regularly and working to build the necessary self-discipline. If you’re reading this newsletter and you haven’t engaged with us around your release plans, get in touch now!
