No Family Contact, Plenty of Contact with White Trash Pigs
Prisoners in New Folsom PSU/SHU have minimal contact to or with the outside world, other prisoners, friends or family, and receive little to no medical or mental health care but we sure do have a lot of overwhelming remarkable amount of physical contact with poor white trash guards. Much of this contact occurs during assaultive cell extractions, which are conducted if a prisoner refused to be harassed, intimidated or wear restraints which are painful, such as small cuffs squeezing on too tight or leg irons that scrape the skin off your ankles when we are forced to walk far distances or slammed by guards. Some prisoners don’t want to be set up by guards who prey and pay weak (PC) prisoners to sell their soul for the life once they attack other prisoners for white trash pigs.
For the most part, if a revolutionary prisoner leaves out his cell, guards will stage a hit, mostly on young blacks form southern California. Guards will claim we are not recognized to Constitutional protections. And once one leaves his cell shanks are planted, one has no safe guard to privacy rights in his for the moment cell dwelling. Pigs secretly creep through your belongings, legal papers, your rap lyrics, tamper in food, ravish one’s living quarters, etc.
Sometimes prisoners who lack self-knowledge and education coupled with mental-illness are used by pigs to clog toilets and smell up the whole unit so female clinical workers will desire not to check on their clients. I call it cowardness. Sometimes even the best of us might hold a food port open to get immediate response. Nevertheless one might refuse to return a food tray, kick the cell door or throw excrement at guards in these situations; the assaultive cell extraction retaliation is much more flagrant.
Prisoners who are ongoing targets of prejudiced and biased pigs are much more likely to be ambushed and attacked while in hand cuffs by other prisoners while volunteering to be escorted by pigs to and from medical health care appointments or group training.
It is useless to notify pigs at New Folsom if you’re suicidal. Prisoners are left naked in the cold weather outside, for over four hours, shivering in outdoor cages smaller than the width of 2 crates.
Pigs are conspiring to break the spirit of young Black African Amerikans.
My only conclusion is to stand by the 122 Nelson Mandela rules and don’t break under pressure. Submit to moral principle.