NARA Historical Materialism Methodology
MIM(Prisons) received the following from the New Afrikan Revolutionary Army (NARA). This is their first official document establishing their political line. This brief document simply describes some points that are important bases for beginning a revolutionary approach to the world. We think this is a good starting point and wish the NARA success in its further development.
This Document has been designed to educate the New Afrikan Society in the science of historical materialism, which is the revolutionary methodology of overstanding past events and benefiting from them.
We as New Afrikans are aware that the Black Liberation struggle is Revolutionary because it cannot succeed without the total reorganization of the whole of this racist anglo-saxon system in this capitalist society. Surely we overstand that in the true final analysis in black nationalism self-determination means to revolutionize the New Afrikan environment.
If any true movement is to survive, anti-Imperialism is the final stage of over developed capitalism. It is the international control of monopoly–Corporate capital over the economic and social political lives of over half the world’s people. Imperialism is also the extension of the capitalist ruling classes. Political control at the international level has called into existence the organization of neocolonialism, which is the highest stage of imperialism for it substitutes the face of the oppressor while maintaining the exploitative relationship of imperialism because imperialism is international in scope and the fight against it must also be international.
Our engagement shall be through Pan-Afrikanism for it has many different forms. To relate Pan-Afrikanism to the realities of the world today, we must never lose sight of the true nature of imperialism and it’s number one proponent: US imperialism. Pan-Afrikanism that does not deal with neo-colonialists but instead obscures the exploitative policies of these colonialists due to their blackness is nothing more than bourgeois Nationalism taken to the internationalist level. Remember, Pan-Afrikanism is to internationally identify with the Afrikan – Struggle no matter where Afrikans and our descendants are found. The same realities they face we face but on different levels. For example: South Afrika’s apartheid; America’s Jim Crow era; Congo segregationalism. In America’s segregation era and more recently in modern corporate slavery, most Pan-Afrikanist have been culturalist, while others represent a particular segment and target law as if it were grassroots in nature. Again reverse the facts and we shall control our reality.
Official Document