Movie Review: Pitch Perfect

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[Culture] [ULK Issue 33]

Movie Review: Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect

Here’s a movie with a good-vibe attitude, very chillback, and the viewer will get a sense that there’s not a problem in the world. However, the truth is far from this.

The setting of the movie deals with a womyn in her early 20s who gets involved in college by her petit-bourgeoisie father, who is a professor at the university. Her name is Beca and she likes to DJ and make music. Not willing to participate in any campus activities, her father gives her an ultimatum of trying an activity and if that doesn’t work out he’ll pay her way to LA to “pay her dues” as an upcoming DJ.

She tries out for the a capella singing group, and to her surprise is delighted by the mix of wimmin she finds herself with. Not really one who had friends, this movie is a good example of the stress capitalist society puts on individuals to “become” something and “fit-in”.

While dealing with competitions Beca also confronts her sexuality by a man she becomes friends with named Jessie. Beca doesn’t know how to “open up” and let her “guard down,” but in a world dominated by patriarchy one can’t blame her for closing herself to the world.

During most parts of the movie a lot of music gets played while side stepping the backwardness of some of the movie’s song lyrics. It’s important to note that culture helps shape peoples’ ideology. Revolutionaries should not ignore how important music is to bringing in people to the cause. In other words, music is a great avenue for not only propaganda but also proselytizing. As MIM Theory 13: Culture in Revolution puts it, work should be done to comb through the culture of capitalism, knowing when to “leave hair intact or cut it off,” to use this metaphor.

The good thing about this movie is that it shows an outsider coming in to change, and do away with, “traditional” ways of doing things, and shaking things up. On the other hand, as stated in the beginning, the audience will come out with the conception that everything is dandy and to attain one’s happiness is the acme of success. This movie is a great example of how music has the power of influence, and more revolutionary culture should blossom to overcome the moribund culture this parasitic society in the United $tates spills out.
