Medical test results withheld in Texas
I am wrangling with the medical dept about getting the results of recent tests for HIV and HEPC, and also about getting the prescription for glasses that were issued to me about a month ago. I’ve been getting glasses since 2005 and the prescription has always come with the glasses until this year. When I noticed that the prescription wasn’t in the eyeglass case I asked the nurse that brought them to me and she told me to write to the medical dept and it would be sent to me. So I waited about 2-3 weeks to give the blood test results to come in then I sent them an I-60 request form asking for the results of the tests and the prescription for the glasses and was informed that I had to pay for them.
I sent another I-60 informing them that I had paid the $100 co-pay and the eye wear prescription and the results of the blood tests are a part of the service that was paid for but was told that to receive a copy of anything I had to pay. I’ve written a grievance but won’t receive a reply for 45 or more days.
I was shown a TX grievance guide by someone and would very much appreciate it if you could send me one. I had one from the concerned Christians of San Antonio, TX from 2010 but when I got to this unit the officers shaking down my property threw them away with a lot of other stuff. I need one terribly bad because there are quite a few abuses here on this maximum security unit.