Mail Returned for No Reason, Prevents Legal Struggles
I want to report another way the system tortures people in the Security Housing Units(SHU). Corcoran and Mule Creek State Prisons both throw away your legal mail. They do this in your face and behind your back.
I’ve tried to report this to the Inspector General and other offices. I filed a 602 grievance, but this don’t work if your 602 arrive at the Office of the Appeal Coordinator. If you looking for help from the Office of the Ombudsman, this never happens, because the officer in both prisons tnrow away your mail in your face or they simply send back your envelope. The mail room has some yellow stickers that say “returned” and look just like those of the U.S. Postal Service, but it is easy to tell the difference if you look closely. They do this even when you have the correct address.
I lost my habeus corpus case because Mule Creek never sent out my extension time motion on 19 February 2015. I seen the officer throw it in the trash. At Mule Creek, officers Winkilend and Rechason do this a lot. Both officers are the only Black officers in the segregation building. Rechason likes to write “Refused signature”, when that was never what happened.
The same thing happens at Corcoran. Here they often use the excuse that my name is written in a different order than in their database, even though they have the correct ID number. They don’t deliver mail, magazines and even legal mail. Over here it is Officers Ponce, Lawrence and Padstoff who do that regularly.
I write a lot, it’s true, but that is my problem. I’m working on my case. Officer Ponce and Lawrence told me in my face “fuck you write a lot” and they said I had a lot of mail and can’t continue like that. Wow! What?! Like that in my face.