LeBlanc Texas Disregards Grievance System
Changes to law library content has made the acquisition and perusal of the Texas Offender Grievance Manual nearly, if not totally, impossible in spite of board and administrative directives requiring them to be in the law library for use in researching grievance rules, stipulations, and instructive information.
I have had two grievances which have been rejected as redundant with the added statement that only one grievance per disciplinary is allowed. I ask that you refer me to legal counsel, yours or another’s, who could pursue this blatant disregard of the grievance system and my right to use it as well as the denial of my due process rights under both the Texas and U.S. Constitutions. I also need to be able to send legal mail to prevent it and other information it may contain from being gleaned for information I want to keep private.
In addition, I would like your Texas Pack sent to me with updates to all available legal actions currently being pursued by other entities and any case numbers to which I may refer to for further information.