Johnson State Prison prisoners going hungry, as the prison saves money
Prisoners at JSP are going hungry as the prison saves money by cutting portions on meals and quality of food. Some of the food is unfit for human consumption. There is no justification for forcing prisoners to go hungry. Other prisoners are forced to spend more money at the commissary on food. Georgia taxpayers already paid for prisoners adequate meals. Food is a human right and the prison must provide prisoners with adequate amount of nutritional food to maintain physical and mental health.
Prisoners throughout the prison constantly complain about the food portions being cut by Food Service Director Mrs. Granison. Prisoners wrote grievances about the inadequate meals. Warden Antoine Caldwell continues to ignore the prisoners complaints. As a political prisoner, the prisoners and I asking the peoples out there in society be a voice for us. And complain with us to the GA senators, State Representatives, Governor, Commissioner and the Warden. So we can be heard loud at many directions. Please stand for us and with us!