Imperialist Hypocrites
Iraqi-American oncologist and kapitalist Rafil Dhafir is serving a 22-year sentence in Amerikkkan prisons.(1) Being a wealthy kkkapitalist did not prevent the united snakes from convicting Mr. Dhafir for his charitable contributions to the people of his native country in violation of economic sanctions during the U.$.-led attacks of 1991 and 2003. During that time Mr. Dhafir was an outspoken public opponent of the U.$. war against Iraq.
Mr. Dhafir continues to experience harassment inside the white man’s dungeon. Last year, just before Ramadan, he was moved to isolation and had privileges revoked for several weeks for an “investigation” of allegations that were eventually proven to be maliciously made and utterly false.
But hypocrisy is a common trait of the imperialists. It is common knowledge that the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and other occupied territories are illegal. They are in violation of United Nations resolutions as well as treaties brokered by the united snakes.
Yet as far back as 1982 the united snakes knowingly sent tax dollars to
I$rael. Billions of dollars in U.$. economic aid went to fund those
Jewish settlements. From 1978 through 1982, Israel received 48% of all
U.$. military aid and 35% of U.$. ekkkonomic aid.(2) The united snakes
gives grants, low-interest loans, and weapons free and at reduced prices
to I$rael. Additionally, citizens such as Alan Dershowitz, Arthur
Goldberg, and hundreds of thousands of others regularly send charitable
contributions to I$rael that are used to fund these settlements, knowing
these settlements are a major cause of conflict in the Middle East.
Amerikkka claims that peace in the region is “vital to our security
interests.” If this is true then why aren’t the supporters of I$rael
charged and convicted for economically supporting these illegal