Gladiator's Academy in Tennessee
I long ago came to the realization that oppression exists everywhere, regardless of our current position or circumstance. Within concentration camps such as this “La Lucha Continua” - The Struggle Continues! When we submit and allow our oppressors to dictate our actions and decisions then we lose major points within our struggle. Our oppressors know that we’re more of a threat alive than dead and so that’s why our oppressors strive to push us into that fatal state of defeatism. And so, for those comrades who’ve walked a suicidal line, for those who’re contemplating suicide, I say “Live! Our youth need you! The community needs you! And brothers within this crooked system such as myself need you!”
Every time I receive a newsletter from MIM(Prisons) I read about comrades in Wisconsin, California, Texas, Arizona, and Illinois! And so, I want to give our readers a peep behind these steel doors and concrete walls in the state of Tennessee. In a failed attempt to mentally and physically break me into submission because of my rebellious nature against oppressive authority, the warden at West Tenn State Prison (WTSP) had me transferred here to DeBerry Special Needs (DSNF) and placed in Unit 7 which is supposed to be a mental health program, but to all TDOC employees and correctional officers here, Unit 7 is knows as the “Gladiator’s Academy!”
Everyday, prisoners who are mentally stable or unstable are verbally, physically and sexually assaulted, abused, mistreated and tortured. In Unit 7, L, D and F pods, TDOC correctional officers will give a prisoner a razor blade or 2 sheets and tell him to make the world a better place! From 2003 to 2010 several prisoners died suicidal and violent deaths at the hands of these TDOC employees who’ve sworn to uphold the law (their law)! Certain prisoners won’t get fed for days and the results of this type of torture is fatal for the prisoners.
If a prisoner files a grievance in regards to this matter then he’s immediately placed on rec, shower, mail and food restriction. And it’s not uncommon to witness a gang of TDOC employees beating a prisoner or hitting him with the taser gun or electric shield because he refused his prescribed psychotic medicine. The warden here, Jennie L. Jobe, and the deputy warden Debra Johnson are fully aware of what’s going on in Unit 7 here, yet they’ve made no move to put an end to this madness.
Here at DSNF in the state of Tennessee and everywhere else in the world, oppressors/downpressors are at their best because they’re united! If only all of us would do the same…unite!! I don’t consume any type of psychotic (or non) medicine yet I’m still here. I’ve requested to be discharged several times but all of my requests have been ignored. And if I become too rebellious then in the name of mental health my oppressors will inject me with their poison medicine. I know that one small dose could alter or completely destroy my mind.