Former military surgeon imprisoned for telling truth about Amerikan wars

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Former military surgeon imprisoned for telling truth about Amerikan wars

I’m a medical doctor (trauma surgeon) with extensive combat medical experience/expertise. I have first hand knowledge of some of the atrocities that were done in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan by not only the United States but other coalition forces. Medical teams would perform hours of surgery to help civilians and military alike. Only to have them tortured, maimed or killed. This was done in order to retrieve so-called military information. We were told these individuals were ISIS, Taliban or others. I threatened to go to the news media with this information.

All of those acts were totally illegal, inhumane and un-called for. I was then sent back to the United States in chains (hands cuffs) and thrown into jail. Actually prison. I’m here on a bogus, trumped up charge – armed robbery. I’ve never stolen anything in my life. And of all places to put me in they send me to the most ass-backward state of the union (Mississippi). There’s nothing here but gun toting rednecks and the Dixie-mafia. I’m exactly like Eric Snowden.

I’ve written to numerous foreign embassies requesting political asylum. I even informed these countries they could extradite me as a fugitive or a witness. Only a couple of countries have yet to even respond. And the ones that did told me I must be on their soil in order to be considered for political asylum. I’m hoping you’ll print something about me and someone around the world will assist me.

I ask that you don’t use my real name. I’m tired of getting beat by these guards. I think these countries take my letter as a joke, scam or a hoax. It’s neither. I’ve even offered to repay the cost of the process. I told them I’m able and willing to work in remote or hostile areas. I have no living relatives. I have no need to return to this country and I won’t get homesick.
