Fighting "Lost" Grievances in Pennsylvania
I am having a terrible time with the grievance system at SCI-Frackville along with the misconduct appeal system both in population and in the hole where I’m presently confined.
In general population I have the option of putting my grievance in the grievance box on the housing block or in the grievance box in the chow hall. I always use the chow hall. Only the grievance coordinator has a key to the grievance boxes so all grievances get processed. The problem begins when the grievance is responded to. All responses are sent to the housing units and “stolen” by the guards on the units. Then when we complain about not getting a response, we are told we have to write to the record office and “pay” for another copy. By the time that is done, the time for appealing the response has expired, precluding you from appealing the response. Our final appeals must be sent to the “Chief Grievance Coordinator.” On four occasions, she claimed she never received my final appeal that I placed in the mailbox with a postage paid envelop. Misconduct appeals are placed in the inmate-request-slip box. A guard has a key to that box, and on six occasions I was told I never appealed my misconduct sanction.
I definitely need a copy of the grievance petition to have prisoners copy and send out.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This is a good example of the grievance system in prisons across the country, where prison workers conspire to “lose” grievances so that prisoners have no recourse to challenge misconduct. The grievance petition is one tool to help with this fight. We now have petitions for 10 states, and we are looking for prisoners who can customize the petition to their own states as needed. This petition can also be a tool to educate other prisoners. You can share it with those who see the effects of the unjust grievance system, and talk to them about how this relates to the overall criminal injustice system and the need for prisoners to step up and do something. This petition is a small action they can take right now, but they can also get more involved in studying and struggling over issues of bigger change to fundamental injustice. This is one way we can share the anti-imperialist movement with people through practical struggle that impacts their lives right now.