Federal Family Destruction Plan
Take you away from family so you can’t provide support
Convict you in the newspaper, call you a demon in court
Fictitious jurors, bribed witnesses, withheld exculpatory evidence
Break your family’s heart and spirit with a ridiculous sentence
Break your bank with attorney fees, fines and court cost
Spin you around in circles to keep you lost
Ship you to Timbuktu knowing it’s a forever ire
Threaten your father and mother away from your side
Tamper with your mail refuse your visit
Intend to destroy my family, what else is it
Listen to your phone, charge an excessive rate
Make you wait years for an appeal date
During that while they harass wife and child
Crush their hope with a one line denial
Supreme court your last chance to fileLawyer continually asking for more money
I keep paying because of the game he playing
Just a little more you’ll be free for sureNow he doesn’t answer any of my phone calls
Supreme Court denied read the writing on the walls
Around and around in another circle
wife so frustrated her skin turn purple
Can’t expect her to wait 180 years for her man
Would you? Welcome to the Federal Family Destruction Plan!
The Death of the Federal Family Destruction Plan
To break free we developed our own plan
After a long fought battle victory close at hand
dissected the situation found the root problem
Acquired knowledge so we know how to solve themWe understand how to defeat the prison machine
It’s addicted to the green just like a dope fiend
We about to bring this scheme to a halt
You can’t control the businesses we’ve boughtEveryday we find a way, family must correspond
You tried all you could, can’t break our bond
You’ve abused, tortured, tried to take our breath
We comprehend exposure scares you to deathWe’ve come together to sound the alarm
No longer prey, our work, our benefit, our farm
You’ve laughed, played us like fools, loved our misery
You not laughing now, intelligent tools has shown us victoryNo more humiliation, slavery nor desolation
Closing the door on your new wave plantation
We educating and employing our people
Teaching our kids to advance beyond being equalControl your own situation, through education
The way we make sure we reach our destination
Took back our resources, now we own the land
Seven steps to death for the Federal Family Destruction Plan!