Denied Hygiene and Correspondence at Robertson Unit
Dear fellow fighters for Justice and for what’s right. By the time this Missive reaches you I hope and pray that it finds you in the best of health and spirits; that you are being blessed abundantly above all you could think or imagine. I am writing to you in regards to the Texas Pack. This current administration (i.e. wardens, majors, sgts, etc) are blatantly disregarding all guidelines and protocol set forth by the A.C.A. (American Correctional Association) and TDCJ itself.
Here at French Robertson Unit we just came off a 30 day lock-down and were denied hygiene and correspondence privileges per the Administrative Directive (AD-03.31). Some offenders have received major disciplinary cases and don’t have the opportunity to attend their own hearing. Due process violation. I could give you a laundry list of things and violations committed but I would need more postage! The crux of the matter, unembellished, is that the wardens and ranking staff are in direct contravention to guidelines TDCJ adopted and instituted. These established rules and principles are for the protection and enforcement of private rights for the employees and officers, as well as for the offender population. I humbly ask that you send me the Texas Pack.