David Wade Prison Chaotic as Officials Face Charges and Investigations
Several high-ranking officials have jumped ship because of the federal investigations into the shooting death of prisoner Del Trey [spelling uncertain] in 2017. Also, concerning the lawsuit by the Advocacy Center many have taken non-security jobs around the prison, i.e. maintenance, classification, etc.
Most importantly, on 1 July 2019 the infamous, dirty, low down, corrupt, scumbag pig Colonel Nail was escorted from prison grounds and evicted from his house on state property and is facing criminal charges for tampering with an investigation, malfeasance in office, etc.
It is possible that all of this has something to do with the mail because all prisoners writing orgs,etc. especially the ACLU And Advocacy Center as well as those engaged in litigation against DOC and this prison have been experiencing problems. Also the high turnover of new guards passing mail to the wrong cells is a problem.