Damn Me?!
There’s this confusing aspect I’ve never quite been able to understand about christian morality. You see, I’ve sat alone for three years in the solitary superman control unit sensory deprivation dungeon. Where every emotion is sharpened a hundred fold but every avenue to share or express this feeling is cruelly taken away. Except mail. And my pen.
So it irks me to receive these fancy gilded colorful christmas cards from total strangers where they tell me they love me but damn me to the depths of hell in the same breath. Because I’m a sinner my soul is in limbo and its time for me to repent and prostrate myself to the all might glorious one, or burn!
But I love you. Brother. Take care.
Is this what a motherfucker needs? Maybe if you all got together out there and started chanting and holding hands these walls that hold amerikka’s 2.4 million political prisoners would crumble and we could join you with a psalm.
We’re waiting…
Of course, maybe because we are top notch “sinners” in your books the last thing you want is for us to be released. Does that thought frighten you! Is it a whole hell of a lot easier to pray for someone’s soul than it is to minister to their torturous mindfucked life? Because, in reality, christians and “criminals” are both mindwashed masses. I’d be surprised if one could exist without the other. The former needs the latter to lord over and condemn. And preach to from afar. (The further the better - no?) and what would a “criminal” do without the piles upon piles of guilt, shame, sense of inferiority and hurt his brother christian bestows? In shiny christmas cards.
The time has come to turn the tables.
Your religion and those U$ concentration kamps; your steeples and the judges pulpit; the church and the courthouse are one and the same. Tools of oppression. Both are filled with bigotry, racism and egotism. The priest and the judge. The gangster, the killer and the dope dealer. Who are the real sinners here? Who’s the bad guy? The true gang?
I heard once that to interact with the true insanity in a person one has to be aware of the fact that craziness likes to jump ship. Meaning a crazy person has the ability to make you feel like you’re the one that’s nuts. And I’d say the same applies to unjust systems in power. They have a way of mindwashing you into a nazi or a ‘mexican-border-fascist-crazed-minuteman.’
So father-elder-sister-brother our struggle is a fight to survive. Day to day. Minute to minute as human beings. Your creed and country are killing us as you pass around the collection plate and mail form letters to us to ease your consciences. Our struggle attempts to raise our fellow captives self-esteem and heal; not guilt-trip and destroy as your church does, the living, right here and now, interest us. Not some idealist bourgeois bullshit afterlife.
It is your imperialist system that must lay down and prostrate and ask for mercy. And not from the almighty or some winged man. But from your fellow man you’ll kneel in supplication.
And I”m going to go there. I must.
Why are we the ones hated? The prisoners. We who sit and study and starve to death. And why are they the ones supported? The soldiers. The ones who drop bombs on innocent people for a paycheck. Maybe because all we do is keep beds full and a handful of you employed we’re inferior? At least compared to those that keep your gas tanks full and new amerikkan colonies occupied we are. no?
But I digress.
Brother christian, I’ll wish you a merry christmas also. And I send my love. But please note I’m not parting with some “beefed up scare tactic ultimatum” that might leave you in tears tonight fingering your pistol. I understand that your kind, who keep medical science in a moral chokehold and evolution out of the elementary schools, are escapists and weak. I know a person who’s a citizen of earth’s most ‘murderous-racist-atomic-imperialist-hypocritical’ nation feels a need to bury the old head in the sand. I feel you. I used to hide beneath the needle myself.
I just ask you keep your demons to yourself. Please. Never once did I try to push my dope on you. So give me the same respect.
And as you stand bent over with your head in a stale hole. Know the rest of us have woken up and changed the CD. That bass beat you hear as you lose consciousness isn’t the stars and stripes.
We’re rocking the anthem of international socialism round these parts.
The international!
Let no one build walls to divide us,
walls of
hatred nor walls of stone.
come greet the dawn and stand beside
we’ll live together or we’ll die alone.
in our world poisoned
by exploitation,
those who have taken, now they must give!
And end
the vanity of nations…
we want no condescending saviors
to rule us
from their judgment hall…
And comrade christian…comrade!
nighty night.