Class in Session
Class is in, I’ll tell you what’s a fuckin sin
Niggers don’t know nothing about their history
Ancestors who sacrificed everything is a mystery
If you need education, here comes true emancipation
Lincoln’s a liar, he did not set you free
Toussaint scared these cowards with that move in Haiti
Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth
Ida B. Wells ministering to the youth
Found nowhere in his-story lesson
I’m Rap Educated, class in session
Turn my mic up so I can inform my brothers + sisters onh onh
Gang niggers beefing with gang niggers
While these white folks continue to hang niggers
Merck slang 40 tons of cocaine niggers
Only ones on the chain gang niggers
My neighbor my brother, the oppressor the enemy
I ain’t falling for the lies of the frienemy
I’m equip with the trigger, know when to pull it
Acquire the target, release the bullet
Down the puppetmaster goes
He looked surprised, didn’t know I knows
Revolutionary rapper, I’m a Garveyite
Don’t fuck with Columbus or his knights
All niggers on this correction bus
They use some of you to fuck over the rest of us
Oppressorman, I’m on to your flimflam
No longer can you get me to kill my brother man
But I will slay an entire nation of you
Cut down your family tree, your boys in blue
They be your army, assigned to try to harm me
I know about your puppets in black robes and dark suits
The courthouse your slave auction stage where you collect the loot
I’m a show these true soldiers how to salute
Grab your gat, put on your boots
There’s a war, you’re the troops
Knock Willie Lynch head for a loop
Gather their info, let me help you stack dough
Let my people go, or face the wrong end of this 4-4
Harm one of yours, we downing ten of yours
Including our homies behind your prison doors
We are not your grandfather’s slave
Can’t brainwash me into my own grave
Kill off our men so you can conquer our women
Your bible teaches rape the children
On the hunt for your Y chromosomes, extinction of the oppressor it’s on
You a Goon, run up in their home
Home invaaassiiinnn, hit ’em in the chest make it cave in
Hunt for the oppressor’s Y chromosomes, exterminate until it’s all gone
Exterminate until it’s all gone. Exterminate until it’s all gone!