Censorship and Criminal Neglect in San Diego
In Richard J. Donovan State Prison in San Diego Ad-Seg this place is off the hook with their green wall mentality and tactics. For starters, today I got my mail and it’s your magazine dated August 9, 2011. So these people are playing with our mail. It took seven months to get my mail from you. If that ain’t censoring our mail then I don’t know what is. There are other items of mail I’ve been waiting on that I still have not received. I’ve written ISU (Institution Services Unit) and the mailroom to find out whats going on with my mail, they have not bothered to respond.
When I was on the line here at RJDSP I worked as a porter in the EOP (Enhanced Outpatient Program) building. I used to find 10 to 20 letters a day in the trashcan. I got to the point of just passing out mail to these guys myself, as I found it in the trash. The pigs keep whatever they want here, mags, photos out of letters, stamps, money orders, visiting apps, etc.
Mail is just the tip of the BS going on. I’ve eye witnessed back-to-back beatings by CDCs finest. These poor guys here have tried time and again to get outside help, all these people do is screen our mail and hold back what they don’t want getting out.
The food is bland and there is no salt in our food. The amount is so small in portion that a child could barely live off it. The air conditioning is on full blast to keep us frozen in the middle of winter. The conditions are so bad - it’s so dirty in here and they never give us cleaning supplies.
My neighbor got an infection on his toe, and they wouldn’t treat him for it. It got so bad they had to cut it off. They got us sleeping on mattresses that are stained with piss. Or in some cases no mattress. But if we make a big deal by asking for help, we’ll get the shit beat out of us, and stripped down to nothing. I’ve been in Ad-Seg for a minute now and still haven’t got my property. But I refuse to stop the fight no matter where they put me. This is why I write, to encourage others to never let these people still your spirit.