Call to End the Violence Against Prisoners
Salute fellow comrades, the fascist pigs have been in control for far too long, the fascist pigs have used prisoner against prisoner for far too long. It’s time for us to hear the words of a great fallen comrade by the name of George Jackson who stated: settle your quarrels, come together. Understand the reality of our situation. Understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved. That generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives as we do now if you fail to act.
My fellow comrades, I humbly ask each and every one of you to please understand that if we want to successfully run a study group inside modern slavery, then we need to stand together in solidarity, because we out-number the fascist pigs. They just out-think us, because we are too busy fighting, raping, and killing one another, just to name a few things that we prisoners lend our hands to the pigs which stagnates us and keeps the pigs in control.
I am issuing a call to revolutionary change. Fellow comrades I know what I am asking of you won’t be easy, but lets take baby step together and slowly put an end to all gang-related activities, so the fascist pigs cannot use it against us to justify putting us in control housing units or to censor our mail, etc.
Fellow comrades change first start with us, cause if we don’t respect one another how can we demand respect from the fascist pigs.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We echo this comrade’s call for lumpen organizations to end the violence and come together in unity. In fact, when this writer calls for an end to “all gang-related activities” we would instead say let’s turn these lumpen organizations into vehicles for activities that educate and liberate the oppressed.