Books Not Bans: MO Ad-Seg Isolation Means No Books or Tablets

Missouri now has the strictest paper literature policy ever implemented in a state prison system. People can ONLY obtain paper literature by purchasing it themselves, in consultation with their prison caseworker, with money drawn from their own commissary account from a small selection of “approved vendors.” We’re finding that many of our subscribers in Missouri cannot receive Under Lock & Key because they have not paid for it.
Missouri is now contracting with Securus to serve all mail digitally on tablets. Their contract includes a 1% administrative fee on “all payments received by the contractor for all products and services provided under the contract.” However, not all prisoners have tablets, and some are anxious to get the privilege of paying $0.25 to send emails to family.
Below are reports from Missouri prisoners in August 2024.
Censorship is real here at Crossroads Correctional Center. They are trying to find ways to stop Under Lock & Key newspapers from coming to Crossroads any way they can. Most of the time they have no real reason to stop it. It’s hit or miss. And me and the brothers really really need the info and good news that you bring knowing that the fight is still on.
They stop our catalogs, they stop our books. It’s hard with this K2 taking our young minds and no one really there to push the fight. Most of us find our fight to be few in numbers.
Here in the hole, they keep our tablets from us. Every prison except for Crossroads Correctional Center has tablets. They charge us $0.79 a stamp and really force us to buy them knowing that’s the only way to reach our families seeing that they won’t give us our tablets in Ad-Seg. Emails only cost $0.25 on tablets.
They won’t let us order reading books or magazines in Ad-Seg either, saying we have to be on the yard to order books/magazines.
MIM(Prisons) adds: It is criminally absurd that people being tortured in isolation are deprived of some of the few things that can keep them sane in such conditions like reading material.
A comrade at Jefferson City Correctional Center wrote: I’ve ordered books with donation checks to free services. At first they denied them in May due to “No free books.” I fought that and paid a donation. Then their excuse was “wrong order month.” They proceeded to deny (in March, July, November) the free book services with donation payments. Then I sent $400 to a bona fide vendor on the precise month of orders. Now they’re saying we can’t have books in Ad-Seg and that I have to send them home and my people won’t be able to send them back to me once I’m out of seg (if I ever get out).
They’re making up arbitrary rules on the premise of punishment and denying educational and recreational books to long-term segregation people.
I had the check approved per the Functioning Unit Manager, and approved with Business Office. Now I’m unable to get them cuz property denied them.
I’m on hunger strike now at 7 days, 21 meals. No medical has attempted to assess me, they’re denying legal access (property paperwork) and staff don’t do rounds. If possible, I need assistance with legal. I’m filing on medical for neglect/deliberate indifference. I’m working on the §1983 in the mail but if ya’ll can help or put me into contact or on a list of pro bono/after win lawyers it would be much appreciated.
Another Jefferson City prisoner wrote: This prison policy infringes on my right to receive free religious material, which is considered “special mail, and can never be censored.” Prison officials took the regular mail, now books, magazines, and newspapers that were free, saying that drugs are coming in through the mail! That is the worst lie I have ever heard. It is a fact that drugs are being brought in by the prison staff themselves, not the other way around. I am here to help fight this injustice, let me know what you need me to do.
MIM(Prisons) adds: Unfortunately, now that this new policy is already in place we will need a concerted campaign and likely a lawsuit to reverse course. As the comrade above says, if any lawyers want to get involved, we can help facilitate. It’s hard to give Missouri a grade until we get a clearer picture of how this new policy plays out, but we might have to give them an F.