Assasination or Retaliation?

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[Abuse] [Wynne Unit] [Texas]

Assasination or Retaliation?

An I60 is a form used throughout Texas Prisons as a means of paper communication. On the Wynne Unit, and perhaps other units, an “Escape I60” is supposedly an I60 written by another inmate claiming that an inmate is planning to escape. The I60 is unsigned.

An “Escape I60” is used to “lock up” inmates in a segregation cell, a.k.a., PHD. An “investigation” is supposed to occur usually, a few inmates are called out in the middle of the night to sign statements that they have not heard of anyone looking to escape.

There are sometimes other reasons that are used to “lock up” an inmate.

On 5/9/18 I was called out and told an “Escape I60” was written on me. It stated that I was planning to escape and had stolen an officer’s ID.


  1. Wouldn’t you immediately check to see if an officer’s ID was missing?

  2. If not, wouldn’t that indicate that the I60 was BOGUS?

The officers who took my statement as to how false this was, also asked if I possibly knew who wrote it. I said that I have a new cell mate but have no proof that he or any other inmate wrote it. Later I remembered that the officers also said the I60 stated I intended to harm Nurse Jackie Fisher.

On 4/3/18 when I incured a urinary tract obstruction and was taken to medical, I was refused medical care. It took almost 26 hours for the obstruction to clear at which time my urination was painful and had blood. The nurse who refused me was Jackie Fisher. The officer who took me to medical and told me that Jackie Fisher had refused medical care, was the same officer interviewing me.


I also realized that I had told NO inmate this. I had only conveyed this in letters and grievances. Something only officers/staff have access to. I recently filed 6 grievances.

Inmates say that only a few “Escape I60s” are written by other inmates. Most believe that a majority of “Escape I60s” are written by officers looking to lock inmates up–retaliation?

One inmate was locked up for almost 30 days because an I60 claimed he intended to assassinate Warden Strong. Warden Strong actually came to see this inmate.

If officers on the Wynne unit “truly” beleived that someone was planning to assassinate Warden Strong, why didn’t they alert local law enforcement or the FBI?
