America: Behind Bars
The latest article from mainstream media reports that at the start of 2008 america had a prison population of 2.3 million. 1 out of every 99.1 adults are locked behind bars, more than any other country in the world. In 2007 alone America spent more than 49 billion on its vast prison system, at a time when the justice department reported that crime as a whole was down, as was violent crime. So why is everybody getting put on lock down? Well, in a nation that stays at war with foreign countries to advance imperialism, it spends its money for war and profit. Compound that with its war at home under the disguise of Homeland Security, Amerika locks up dissenters against the war along with social criminals. Social Control.
So instead of America using funds for programs for rehabilitation and other social services to stop the rate of growth of incarceration, they simply lock the people up and throw away the key. But what the justice system didn’t account for was the lack of prison guards. So which will give? An increase in pay and better benefits to recruit more guards, a reduction in prisons being built across america, better social programs to stop recidivism or every prisoner being locked in cells 23 hours a day because of a shortage of staff.
Source: USA Today, February 29, 2008
MIM(Prisons) responds: In the past the government has made a clear choice to continue funding prisons and guards in order to keep expanding the prison population. This comrade is right that Amerika has no interest in rehabilitation and isn’t using prisons to stop crime. Prisons in Amerika are a tool of social control. And they also provide a nice economic boost to rural white communities where guards can make good salaries while helping to perpetuate this system of national oppression and social control. We see no reason to expect this to change in 2008.