Am Not!
I am not a murderer
yet i am not free
I am not alone in this struggle
Just solitary
I’m not ever going to putt or give up
Like my blood kin have done
on themselves and me
I’m not racist, but I’m white
but I find no pride in the latter
or excuses in the former
I am not religious
Science has proven evolution
Therefore I’m atheist
What’s your excuse?
I am not some scholar or martyr
Just a man skating on the edges of insanity
Because of my country
And its ‘cruel world’ hypocrisy
I’m the person lifting and dropping this pen
but these words aren’t just mine
I am not alone in this emotion
I’m not!
not ever
going to accept this system
I’ll fight it to my death (I swear!)
and gratefully
I am not you
I am not an Amerikkkan
And I will never ever be