Acts of Resistance are Everywhere
Every time we wake up and open our eyes to a new day, that’s an act of resistance, because they don’t care if we wake up or not, and some don’t want us to! Every time we take in or exhale a precious breath of life we are engaging in a real act of resistance, because they don’t want us to breath, they want us to live in misery and nothing more. Every time we write things like this and contribute our writings to newsletters, zines, pamphlets or to the internet, we are engaging in an act of resistance, because these are messages they don’t want us to convey!
Resistance isn’t always about violent bouts with our captors, even though we’ve been through that, or will probably go through it one of these days (on one level or another), but sometimes it’s about striving to overcome these everyday struggles in these death camps, while keeping your mind in one piece, your body strong and your spirit unbreakable. So in that sense we are engaging in acts of resistance every day! Me, writing this, is an act of resistance.
So, my dear comrades, please allow me to extend my most sincere greetings of love, solidarity and respect to all who read this and to all who feel it. As a revolutionary freedom fighter, it is my duty to strive every day to raise consciousness and engage and organize others, conducting study sessions and having political, philosophical and intellectual stimulating convos with those who are confined in the cells around me, writing essays and zines and trying to connect with people on the outs in a real and meaningful way. Even though I’m constantly retaliated on by my captors, it doesn’t matter. I resist the attempts to mentally suffocate me and others through sensory deprivation tactics. They try to break our spirits but we keep resistance in our hearts, and that’s what carries us through.
And I want to dedicate this act of resistance to all of the prisoners who read this, from state to state, all those who are resisting their “intellectual death sentences,” tearing it up! Staying hard and staying true through it all. I salute you and I write these words to encourage you to start getting things going where you’re at, start studying the law, raise consciousness (your own and in the minds of others too), start up study groups, get a book drive going for your prison. Start up your own prison chapter, build bridges with comrades on the outs. Each one teach one, engage others, sharpen your swords, listen as much as you talk, learn as much as you teach, be real with people, and try to bring a level of solidarity amongst the prisoners on your tier, unit, wing, etc. These are some of the things that I’m doing out here in Pennsylvania and it’s what I encourage everyone everywhere to do also!
I dedicate this act of resistance to all of you who read this. My heart goes out to all of you, my love, my appraisal, my solidarity, and my deepest respect goes out!