Action for Change
A lot of people are always talking about what’s going on and what needs to be done but who’s trying to change anything? More action and less talking! You can’t just stand around and watch or talk about things no more cause they (prison officials and government) only respect “action.”
If you want to change the conditions in which you are confined, or how the government is running things “act on it.” A closed mouth don’t get fed. Real talk!
Start a group and write every week to publicize what is happening. We
can’t just talk anymore. Did Dr. King, Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, etc
just sit back and talk? No! If you believe in something you’ve got to
fight for it, like those before us did, nothing comes easy.
Each day I wake up don’t shit change
Everything’s still the same oppression & injustice
We all see it, talk about it, read about it
But who’s gon’ be the one 2
stand up fight & die about it
change by any means necessary
Maoist put the fire in me
Communism burn deep within me
& change & anti-imperialism is our goal
so stand up, fight, till the soul