Oregon Prison Mail Policies

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View Rules for State:

OR Systemwide Rules

Submitted Rule Source Documentation
11/26/2007 The Oregon Administrative Rules 291-131-0005 lists all mail policies official document External Link

Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution Rules

Submitted Rule Source Documentation
02/20/2025 Only White Envelopes Allowed experience

Federal Detention Center Sheridan Rules

Submitted Rule Source Documentation
08/13/2024 No Yellow Manillas official document

Snake River Correctional Institution Rules

Submitted Rule Source Documentation
10/31/2015 no metal allowed experience
09/04/2017 no spiral bound or tape prisoner

Two Rivers Correctional Institution Rules

Submitted Rule Source Documentation
03/30/2012 books can be used but have to be in "like new" condition prisoner
05/23/2018 First class only. Do not ask for donations with money or stamps. No resusable stamps. No tape or stickers. No metal staples prisoner