MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
MIM Distributors appealed for independent review
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Assistant Section Chief
Support Services
4260 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4260
17 May 2014
RE: censorship of Under Lock & Key No. 37
To Whom It May Concern,
I am requesting an independent review of the decision to censor Under Lock & Key 37. Notice of censorship was received by MIM Distributors on 15 May 2014 and I am writing you on 17 May 2014. I requested reviews of the decisions to censor the previous two issues of ULK in March and January, respectively, but my requests were not responded to.
In addition, MIM Distributors has gone so far as to remove all content from page 2 of the newsletter, since the NCDPS refused to indicate what content on that page was being used to justify censoring every issue of Under Lock & Key.
In the most recent incident Fay Lassiter has cited an article on fundraising and using money wisely and claims that it advocates ?Violence, disorder, insurrection or terrorist/gang activities against individuals, groups, organizations, the government or any of its' institutions.? I assert that this is a baseless accusation, and am requesting once again an explanation as to what content exactly your department finds to substantiate these claims in Under Lock & Key. MIM Distributors has acted in good faith to adjust the content of its mail to accommodate the restrictions of your department, but cannot continue to do so when all of its mail is censored without explanation.
Assistant Director allows ULK 36 but upholds censorship of ULK 37 Download Documentation
MIM Dist. appeals ULK37 censorship again and asks Bostic to follow procedure on ULK36
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Cynthia Bostic
Assistant Director of Support Services
North Carolina Department of Corrections
Division of Prisons
4274 MSC
Raleigh, NC, 27699-4274
Re: Approval of issue No. 36 of Under Lock & Key. Disapproval of No. 37 of Under Lock & Key.
June 24, 2014
Dear Assistant Director Bostic,
We received on June 13, 2014 your response to our appeal of the Publication Review Committee decision to disapprove Under Lock & Key Nos. 36 and 37. Despite the letter being dated June 4, 2014, it is in fact postmarked June 11, 2014.
Regarding Under Lock & Key No. 36:
As to the approval of issue No. 36, we do not understand the reason why we should resubmit the publication ?to be received by inmates?, as you state in your letter. As you are certainly aware, section D.0105(d) of your Policy and Procedures, Chapter D, prescribes that all disapproved publications are held by the Review Committee pending the completion of the publisher?s appeal procedure. The policy specifies that, upon completion of the procedure, disapproved publications are returned to the facility and that approved publications are also ?returned to the facility from which they were received?, obviously enough to be then distributed to the prisoners to which they were originally sent. It would make no sense to return to the facilities only the disapproved publications, while obligating the publisher, upon the positive completion of the appeal procedure, to re-send the approved ones, which incidentally and illegitimately burdens the publisher with additional costs for which they should not be responsible. We are therefore requesting that the all the copies of the approved publication be returned to the facilities from which they came from and be distributed to the prisoners to which they were originally sent.
Regarding Under Lock & Key No. 37:
As to the disapproval of No. 37, you quote some language on page three, second column, paragraph 1 as the reason for disapproval. First, the phrases you quote are actually on page 1, second column, paragraph 1 of the publication. Furthermore, we disagree with your statement that the language could ever constitute a reason for disapproval. The language that you quote simply reports some opinions that encourage prisoners to make use of their constitutional rights, such as beginning legal action in case of abuses, torts and so forth. We do not comprehend how stopping ordering packages (a perfectly legitimate right that all prisoner have) might encourage or support insurrection, as you surprisingly state. None of the quoted language can be brought back to any of the legitimate reasons for disapproval, as they are listed at section D.0109 of the Policy.
Furthermore, the motivation alleged to support the censorship determination seems to be too vague and not sufficiently articulate to satisfy the threshold of adequate motivation established by the U.S. Supreme Court. Federal Courts have stated in several occasions that "Prison authorities cannot rely on general or conclusory assertions to support their policies." Walker v. Sumner (9th Cir. 1990) 917 F.2d 382, 385 and that "Unsupported security claims couldn't justify infringement on First Amendment rights." Crofton v. Roe (9th Cir. 1999) 170 F.3d 957.
Based on the above considerations, we request that you follow your Department's own Policy and Procedure in the further handling of Under Lock & Key No. 36. We expect that the previously censored issues will be returned to the Warden/Superintendents with your decision to approve the publication, and then the held issues will be distributed to their intended recipients, the prisoners, at your Department's expense.
Secondly, we request that your censorship determination regarding issue No. 37 of Under Lock & Key be reversed and that the publication be allowed to prisoners held at any facility of your Department.
Lastly, we request to be sent an up-to-date copy of the Master List of Disapproved Publications.
Please, be advised that in case you persist on your position to disapprove No. 37 of Under Lock & Key, we will consider beginning legal action to protect and enforce our rights as publishers in this matter.
We appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to your response.
MIM Distributors
CC: Affected parties
Asst. Director Bostic says Master List of Disapproved Publications not distributed "without cause" Download Documentation
MIM Dist. submits Record Request for MLDP
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August 7, 2014
Communications Office
North Carolina Department of Public Safety
4201 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4201
Dear Records Request Officer:
Pursuant to the state open records act, I request access to and copies of the most recent edition of the Master List of Disapproved Publications, maintained by the Publication Review Committee of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.
On July 30, 2014, Assistant Director of Support Services Cynthia Bostic informed my office that ?we do not distribute without cause, the Master List of Disapproved Publications.? However, the distribution company I provide legal assistance for has had several articles of mail censored to prisoners held in NCDPS facilities, including newsletters, magazines, and personalized letters. I find it easily justifiable why any entity should be granted access to this information, whether to track their own censorship or to be aware of the publications that are commonly censored within NCDPS so to avoid violating NCDPS policy or offending NCDPS staff.
These documents can be sent to me at the street address above. If there are copying fees you can also email the documents to mim@prisoncensorship.info, or notify me of the cost via email.
If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act.
Thank you for your assistance.
Form Filed: Notice to Inmate of Disapproval & Appeal/Waiver Form (from prisoner to MIM Dist)
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Reason .0109D
Violence, disorder, insurrection or terrorist/gang activities against individuals, groups, organizations, the government or any of its institutions.
Page Number(s): 4
Reason for Disapproval: Encourages insurrection and disorder.
Prisoner chooses to appeal censorship.
Explain your appeal:
1st Amendment rights
Form Filed: Lettter to Inmate, Addressee/Sender Concerning Correspondence (From facility to prisoner
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Correspondence... have been reviewed by the Correspondence Review Committee.
It has been determined that you cannot possess this correspondence and or contents.
Contents witheld only? X
Describe contents: Copy of book
Rease .0310 E The mail concerns plans to violate departmental rules and policies necessary to maintain security and control.
Comments: Correspondence violates DOC Policy & Procedure, in that the item(s) were mailed from a source other than a legitimate publisher.
[Grievance Statement:]You are receiving this grievance because materials -- either the newsletter Under Lock & Key or other political books or propaganda -- that were mailed to me were censored in whole or in part by the prison authorities. What mail are you withholding, and why? I insist that you tell me what regulation, statue or law my mail violates. Detail specifically how my mail violates the rules. The First Amendment protects prisoners' right to receive and keep reading material like books and magazines. In 1989, the Supreme Court required prisons to prove that banning material was necessary to meet government interests in prison order, security and rehabilitation before they could violate a prisoner's legal rights. This standard, developed in Procunier v. Martinez, 416 U.S. 396 (1974), gave prisoners fairly strong protection of their access to reading materials.
[What remedy would resolve your grievance?]What mail are you withholding, and why? I insist that you tell me what regulation, statue or law my mail violates. Detail specifically how my mail violates the rules.
This is a newspaper/newsletter. Disapproval is a violation of my fredom of the press rights and freedom of speech rights protected by the United States Constitution Admendment 1. On page one of this notice, the disapproval reason stated is D.0109(f), but on page two, nothing is written in the D.0109(f) section stating why or for what reason the publication was disapproved. Therefore I cannot write an appropriate argument/appeal.