Declaration of Unity for the United Front for Peace in Prisons
We, the members of GBW & Associates, and the residents of the Will
County Adult Detention Facility who shall this day, and henceforth,
willingly pledge their allegiance to this Declaration of Unity, and
consequently to the United Front for Peace in Prisons, state that:
The imperialist oppressors, having dominated over the poor, the
impoverished, the weak, and the innocent, all to their great harm and
injury, are deserving of no loyalty or fealty, and must be fought
against utilizing every tool available;
The principles of the United Front for Peace in Prisons, to wit, Peace,
Unity, Growth, Internationalism, and Independence, provide a core of
unity among the oppressed masses in prisons in the United States;
- These principles shall be adhered to by every person who reports to fight against imperialism and the tyrannical system of exploitation known as capitalism and the subsequent evils propagated by such system.
For the foregoing reasons, we hereby enter into covenant, and pledge to uphold the five principles, to defend the Declaration of Unity, and to promote the peace and welfare of all mankind.
We further pledge to defend and protect the poor, the weak, the innocent, and the oppressed utilizing any tools available; to utilize all possessed skills and talents to fight against imperialist oppressors; and to show our loyalty and devotion to any person reporting to do the same.
Be it enacted this tenth day of October: In the year of the common era two thousand and fourteen, by the unanimous consent of the undersigned GBW & Associates, residents of the Will County Adult Detention Facility.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This statement comes from a group of jailhouse lawyers specializing in prisoners’ rights advocacy and litigation. Recognizing that they have skills specifically important to the legal arena of our anti-imperialist battle, these comrades have built an independent institution of the oppressed. This sets a good example for everyone: you should get in wherever you fit in. If you are an artist, get involved by creating revolutionary art. If you are a writer, submit articles for Under Lock & Key. If you are bilingual, help out with Spanish translation. And for everyone, constantly study and learn. Join the MIM(Prisons)-led study groups, and form your own local study groups. We can provide literature and study guides, but it’s up to you to get involved, contribute work, and build independence.