Prisoners Report on Conditions in

Wasco State Prison - Federal

Got a keyboard? Help type articles, letters and study group discussions from prisoners. help out is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.

We hope this information will inspire people to take action and join the fight against the criminal injustice system. While we may not be able to immediately impact this particular instance of abuse, we can work to fundamentally change the system that permits and perpetuates it. The criminal injustice system is intimately tied up with imperialism, and serves as a tool of social control on the homeland, particularly targeting oppressed nations.

[Abuse] [Grievance Process] [Wasco State Prison] [California]

On the Repressive Front in California

A prisoners in Wasco State Prison reported 20 January 2025: The living conditions here are deplorable/inhumane to say the least. Appalling and disgusting. In all my time of doing time I’ve never encountered such squalor. When it comes to living conditions this place compares to my time in C.Y.A. Preston which was the worst living conditions I had encountered.

All five of our toilets were completely clogged for days with only a couple semi-working. Currently all four urinals are completely clogged and sporadically overflow spilling urine on the floor for up to 30+ minutes at a time.

The heater doesn’t work and the bunk I was assigned to happens to be the coldest area of the dorms as the cooler blows the air straight on my bunk!

Per state issue most all CDC usually passes out one bar of soap a week for each prisoner. We have been getting one bar every two weeks which is not enough to shower/wash and as a result many don’t wash hands after defecating. Some only take “water showers” because of the lack of soap. At times the one roll of toilet paper is not issued as well on a weekly basis.

We have a rat/mouse infestation with rodents not only ravaging prisoners’ lockers but eating stored food and leaving feces. Some report rodents climbing on them in their sleep as well. The kitchen is also infested.

The roof of this dorm has approximately 10 leaks in it so when it rains it leaves puddles. The water heater is rusted and deteriorated and obviously hasn’t been replaced in the 30+ years this concentration kamp has been operating. Shower water is cold and drinking water is gray, chalky and has a bad taste/smell. The water fountains have not had filters replaced in what seems like 30 years. A form was circulated stating the water was causing cancer so drink at your own risk.

We haven’t had hair clippers or nail clippers in about a month. We are told it will take more months even though ingrown toenails are rampant.

The floor is damaged with potholes where stagnant water full of bacteria gathers.

We have a laundry call but we turn in laundry only to never receive it back and the one bar of soap every two weeks means we must wear dirty clothes and sleep in dirty sheets.

Many prisoners here are doing less than a year so many fear to speak up or submit grievances for mistreatment or disrespectful talk from C.O.’s thus we get these deplorable conditions.

Phone calls are often cut off mid conversations by C.O.’s in what can only be described as group punishment.

I erroneously assumed, like many others, that “dorm living” in prison was easier. How I was wrong. I have never seen this type of inhumane treatment in a cell living environment. A hint of progress has been that a meeting was set up between prisoners and the sergeant where issues were addressed. Some things were resolved, i.e. some power struggles were won but many are still in motion. 602’s have also been submitted on some issues so some progress has been made. It would be helpful to find contacts of “civil rights” orgs that may help highlight things but as always the main thought for progress in obtaining humyn rights will come in prisoners ourselves. The positive thing is there is peace and unity within the prisoners which allows for progress to flourish in the realm of civil rights or humyn rights.

The living conditions here are worse than any level three or four prison, worse than the holes and dare I say it… worse than the SHU’s. I’m really surprised this dorm is not condemned by the health department, perhaps they’ve never had anyone housed here with the determination to carry that struggle out.

7 February 2025 update: One of my grievances was successful on the urinals, toilets and sinks that were clogged, inoperable and leaking. Everyone is sick. i was very ill, cough, sinuses, flu-like conditions. I along with four other MAC reps have spoken to the Sgt Hernandez on five occasions on all the issues here noted above. He promises to fix things and we have received hair clippers and nail clippers, but many other things still are deplorable. The dust broom here is 8 months old and is a t-shirt tied on to what was a dust broom. It saddens me that so many have no idea how to tackle these issues or have no will to do so. The conditions in Pelican Bay SHU were more humane if that helps illustrate the conditions here.

[Abuse] [Mental Health] [Wasco State Prison] [California]

EOP Prisoners Attacking Each Others' Mental Health

I am an EOP (Enhanced Outpatient Program) prisoner, I live in a pod/building with all types of other inmates, levels I, II, III, IV. I leave the building and go to groups to learn how to cope with my mental health symptoms every day.

Recently I talked to my clinician/psychologist about bringing up in some of our groups the simple, but powerful subject of name-calling.

I see people every week leave my building (B-3) with suicidal ideations, cut wrists, head wounds from banging on the wall, because other inmates (EOP/Not-EOP) in the height of these peoples’ distress, will yell, whoop and promote that person’s self-harm, loudly onto the tier thus driving these guys insane, sometimes bleeding, and taken out in handcuffs.

Currently, I am the one being picked on daily. It is unbearable, yet I easily find peace in knowing that the people doing it, spend their time very unwisely, whereas I am writing to colleges, Buddhist Sanghas, and political organizations, educating myself and standing up for the rights of those of us that are locked down.

It is not right, to continually torment people, especially the mentally ill, from morning until night or at any time of the day.

And it is absolutely sickening because these little cliques of inmates all say “god bless you” to each other join the prayer circles, then come back and treat sick people unkindly, and antagonistically.

Right now, because of this I am getting together a letter to send to major bible publishers, urging them to save a section preferably in the front pages, addressing the type of conduct a person should have when dealing with and encountering all types of people daily in life. I know it explains this in the bible, but people be getting lost in the scriptures and stories, thinking they’re doing righteous tasks when in actuality the way of life they lead is neither noble, nor righteous.

MIM(prisons) thank you for being my positive outlet.

MIM(Prisons) responds: We commend this comrade for taking a righteous and positive approach to these negative conditions. It is by leaders like em standing up to make a change that we can put an end to oppression in all its forms.

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