Prisoners Report on Conditions in

Sussex II State Prison - Federal

Got a keyboard? Help type articles, letters and study group discussions from prisoners. help out is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.

We hope this information will inspire people to take action and join the fight against the criminal injustice system. While we may not be able to immediately impact this particular instance of abuse, we can work to fundamentally change the system that permits and perpetuates it. The criminal injustice system is intimately tied up with imperialism, and serves as a tool of social control on the homeland, particularly targeting oppressed nations.

[Mass Incarceration] [Legal] [Sussex II State Prison] [Virginia]

Building/Fire Codes Used to Shut Down Overcrowded Prisons

Attack Your Enemy Where They Have No Defenses

I am writing to provide you a resource, for fighting mass incarceration. The International Fire Code and Building Code applies to prisons/jails, and we must use it to force fire and building officials to honor it, by putting them in the public spotlight if they do not apply the codes equally.

In December 2022, I used the codes to shutdown buildings 3 and 4 at Sussex 2 State Prison. But now I am being ignored as I try to file more complaints on other prisons. So I need others to join this fight.

Overcrowded Prisons Violate Fire/Building Codes

Reduce the prison/jail populations by half, by using these c Codes.

These codes are online at:

Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and Uniform Statewide Building Code. Forms for filing complaints are online at: dc 390 and form dc 380

You can call/fax violations en masse to local/state officials where prisons/jails are located and go public/post online when they ignore them.

State officials overseeing local officials are: 540.270.6617 804.371.7000 Bryan Horn

Criminal Charges

Violation of the fire code is a misdemeanor, VA Code Title 27-94 to 100. 3 misdemeanors are a felony. Criminal complaints are online at:,us/form dc 311

The accused is:

The Director, Chadwick S. Dotson, and they are criminally liable for they manage/operate these buildings.

NOW the 5 main codes all prisons/jails violate are, they do not have:

  1. PERMITS for occupants over 49 in each pod/dorm
  2. PERMANENT max load occupant signs in each pod/dorm
  3. PERMITS to install top bunks/extra interior fences
  4. ADEQUATE plumbing, ventilation and lighting for increased occupancy, and
  5. NO POTABLE WATER in the standpipe systems


  • IFC 1001.3 Permits required for occupants over 49
  • IFC 1004.9 Max load occupant signs must be posted for occupants over 49
  • NFPA 25 Potable water required for standpipe systems
  • NFPA 75 Increase in occupants require increase in in plumbing, ventilation/electrical [lighting]
  • IEBC 108.3 Permits required for alterations and installation of additional structures like top bunks/fences
[Campaigns] [Nottoway Correctional Center] [Augusta Correctional Center] [Sussex II State Prison] [Virginia] [ULK Issue 84]

Prison Closures in Virginia

It will please your readers to know that approximately two weeks ago four Virginia prisons were ordered shut down for good! Augusta, Sussex 2, Haynesville, and Stafford Correctional Center. Augusta continues its industry and small cadre to support it. Nottoway and a sixth prison, so far unnamed, are also on the chopping block as the VA DOC is now, quietly, downsizing due to its lack of sustainability ($1.1 billion/year, approximately 26% of the entire state budget).

As is always the case, we’ll see how things develop.

MIM(Prisons) adds: The closures are scheduled to complete by 30 June 2024 according to the VADOC. It is notable that Augusta Correctional Facility is one of the prisons comrades were campaigning to shut down for lack of air conditioning. At this time we have no reason to believe the decision was connected to that campaign. However Nottoway was also targeted by the campaign, along with a third prison Buckingham.

[Organizing] [Buckingham Correctional Center] [Sussex II State Prison] [Virginia] [ULK Issue 52]

Transferred for Suspicion of Organizing a Work Stoppage and BPP-Prison Chapter

After an unfortunate series of group fights between prisoners from rival lumpen organizations during the month of Black August, and a subsequent lockdown at the Buckingham Correctional Center on August 25, two Institutional Gang Investigators (IGIs) descended upon my cell and subjected me to an intense 30-minute interrogation concerning confidential information they received that I was allegedly the mastermind behind a planned September 9 workstrike and was attempting to organize a Black Panther Party - Prison Chapter. They even accused me of being a member of a street gang based on a letter I wrote nearly seven years ago.

When the investigators realized that the interrogation was bearing no fruit and that I was immune to their intimidation tactics, I was subjected to further interrogation the following day by L. Leatherwood, the Chief Investigator for the VA DOC, and a urine test because of a strong “suspicion” that I was using drugs. I was not at all surprised when the urine test came back negative because I have been clean for a decade and am a staunch advocate against illicit drug use, especially among youth.

The interrogation of a select few other so-called “problem” inmates continued throughout the weekend, and whatever “evidence” or information the investigators gained or manufactured, led to my being transfered to Sussex 2 State Prison, which is an oppressive, super-max type prison where we are locked down in our cells for most of the day. Controlled movement and the degradation of those of us confined here is the order of the day. Unlike Buckingham, which is a hotbed of political activity, there is virtually no organizing here. No study groups, no agitation, no resistance. Most have never heard of the September 9 protests. The old axiom “oppression breeds resistance” has not taken hold of the prisoners’ minds here.

Though I was shipped off to this camp for political reasons, repression and retaliation is often a sign that our agitation is truly effective. I am not in a position to report on the degree to which prisoners at Buckingham participated in the September 9 protests, but here at Sussex 2 State Prison there was zero participation. But we must continue to fight and struggle knowing that one day, when the conditions are right, the flicker will turn into a flame. All power to the people and Panther power to the Black Riders Liberation Party!

[Gender] [Abuse] [Sussex II State Prison] [Red Onion State Prison] [Virginia] [ULK Issue 40]

Facing Abuse by Pigs and Gender Contradictions Among Prisoners in Virginia

Since my last correspondence I’ve experienced the greatest oppression in my entire 8-year sentence. This past week or so also presented me with revelation into the power of positive energy and the adverse effects of negative energy, which can affect your mental and physical health.

At Sussex II State Prison, a pig ran in and dribbled my head 3 times between his knee and the ground, when I was cuffed and already grounded. Then, that same pig tossed me in the box and stuck his knee in my neck with intensive force. At this same time, my arm was being bent so far back that breaking it was highly anticipated. Furthermore, my ankles and thumb were in the hands of the pigs. My thumb had nerve damage for 2 or 3 months.

At Red Onion State Prison I was sprayed for a false claim of assault by a super redneck. The pig first grabbed the shackles as if he was going to strike me with them, he looked around, and then had his partner use the can. They rinsed me fully clothed, returned me to storage and then I tried to refuse to give up the leg irons. They then took me out on the block and tackled me to the ground. During this they twisted me, bent my fingers and yelled “stop resisting.” Afterwards I was stripped naked and 8-10 pigs placed a turtle suit on me - chained me - and left me for about 15 hours. This happened because the officer refused to correct my negative meal, and I stuck my arm out of the slot because of it.

Those are just two of the oppressive events I experienced in kaptivity.

This week though, it was oppression from kaptive residents. The oppression came by high energy/high volume gossip, to spread wildfire word of myself being homosexual. The fire starter(s) knows nothing about me, knows no one within or outside the block who knows me, and has no evidence of such activity. Fifteen to twenty people whispered this around. The way this happened in a rapid and collective manner, you would’ve thought I was of great status and/or a part of a group that calls for questioning and violation. I got into a 30-second-or-so bullshit fight and received rejection from workout crews. The fight was with a comrade who was supposed to be a good friend and solid individual, but he needed to protect himself and reputation, so he got defensive and helped the spread.

My point in presenting this is: I’m not gay and this event is coming my way at a time when my sentence is over. I’ve never seen or heard of this shit before. It was so collective and everyone possible was engaged. Yet, never is this type of bullshit/energy applied to the fight against the true enemy of imperialist oppression. We have to acknowledge that in order to get others to move within/for the struggle, the key influencing factor(s) have to be identified.

MIM(Prisons) responds: This report of abuse by the guards is nothing new to the pages of ULK, though it is important to remind our readers on the streets of the brutality of prison guards and document it for our records. But this report of prisoner-on-prisoner attacks in the form of gossip and attempts at character assassination is particularly important for us to discuss.

This is an example of the lack of unity in prisons across the United $tates, where, as this comrade points out, more energy is put into attacking other prisoners than into fighting the true enemy of imperialism. But just as important, we want to address the use of gender in this particular attack. Claiming someone is gay as an insult or character attack is a more fundamental problem than just disunity. This is no different than accusing someone of being Chicano as if that would be an insult. We can not allow the oppressors to divide us along lines of gender or nation. Sexual orientation and identity are not a measure of a persyn’s character. We should look to people’s work fighting oppression, the way they treat others, and their political outlook. Lowering ourselves to considering labels and gender/sexual orientation/identity as decisive is putting ourselves on the level of the pigs who lock up and beat up people for the very same reasons.

We must build a United Front of all prisoners, coming together against the common enemy of imperialism. Reject the guards’ attempts to pit prisoners against each other.

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