False Disciplinary Reports and Other Abuse in Kentucky
On 10 February 2017, I was accused of by unit administrator (UA) John L. Grevious and internal affairs captain Michael Williams of stabbing another inmate, which I never did at all. The disciplinary report that UA Grievous wrote up said “on February 8th, 2017 at approximately 5:15p.m. inmate [me] attacked inmate [X] around the Dorm 12, DAL and yard area out of camera view. After a interview conducted by Capt. Michael Williams, inmate [me] claimed sole responsibility.” I never attacked [X] and I never admitted to nothing.
Another thing is I have been letting the medical staff and other medical personnel know about my right knee and leg hurting, locking up and giving out when I lay in bed and get up to walk to the bathroom or just walk around. They never did nothing about it until December 2016, when they put me in physical therapy and then stopped it in February 2017 because my knee and leg ain’t getting better. Then on March 16, 2017 at 12:00am my knee and leg gave out in the shower and I fell and busted my head, and CO Bick Ford Badge #397, never did anything when he was the walk officer. It took other walk officers to get me medical attention. Medical only put ointment on it and sent me back to my cell with an open gash.
Right now all my complaints is been ignored and my letters is been unanswered by warden Aaron Smith, deputy warden Anna Valatine, deputy warden James Coyne and the unit administrators and caseworker. Grievance coordinator Casey Dowden is refusing to answer my letter and refusing to fulfill my legal request forms for civil rights complaint forms, acts, standards, motions, forms, addressed, etc. I turned in on February 20, 2017; February 27, 2017; March 6, 2017; and March 13, 2017. Then fire and safety super Brian Hilabrandt have the ACA standards on religion for me, but on March 1, 2017, he told me they said I couldn’t have them and he couldn’t get them to me until I’m out of segregation.
This is a little on what’s going on with me and what I’m having trouble with. They are talking about transferring me, so I want to be able to file all paperwork I need to challenge these injustices. I’ve been denied my full medical-physical therapy-psychiatric files, adjustment committee & grievance files and my full institutional files so I can properly prepare my cases and file on them. This is why I am needing legal, political, religious, material, financial, etc. help & support and support groups/networks through letters, Jpay email & videograms and Jpay money transfer to buy books, stationary, hygiene, fund my Jpay media fund, pay court fees and to be financial stable.
I don’t rely on lawsuits alone but on connecting my struggle with the outside struggle. I am trying to build bridges instead of burn bridges. I am organizing from the inside out, at least trying to. If I got 10 or 20 people or so helping me and organizing with me I’m happy.
I will appreciate your and others’ help, support and response soon and future organizing soon. Please forward this letter to others who can help & willing to support me and organize with me.