MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
www.prisoncensorship.info is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.
27 January 2023: At about 5:30-6:00 PM the nation watched the horrific video of 5 policemen who beat a man literally to death weeks prior. The man, Tyre Nichols, was handcuffed and had no way to defend himself as 5 large officers beat the man far beyond what anyone could call humane. Dogs don’t get beat this bad.
I saw this in my dorm from USP Tucson, in the day room. Of the seven televisions in the dorm, four was on the CNN broadcast of the vicious beating. At least half the dorm of over 100 prisoners in here watched in horror and shock, witnessing the same thing the rest of the United $tates (and the world) was viewing. I have never seen such interest in a television event outside a sports event.
I sent an email to the Warden of the prison, challenging him if he approved such methods. This could be seen as an insult, but what we see on the streets of America is simply a reflection of what commonly happens in the prisons of the United $tates. For decades staff brutality has been common, and often overlooked in prisons, because many may believe that the victim probably deserved it, or the prison staff will lie and cover up the act.
I have to believe that what happened to Tyre Nichols that horrible night, which resulted in his death a couple of days later, could have happened in part here at USP Tucson… multiple times, and happens in many jails and prisons in our country.
I believe this likely happened to a prisoner here back in November of 2022, shortly after an incident in a nearby camp, where a prisoner managed to acquire a gun. He would have likely shot and killed an officer were it not for the fact that the bullets did not match the gun. We at USP Tucson went on a lockdown for 3 days, although we had absolutely nothing to do with that incident. That was a different facility, yet we were punished anyway, which led to a second incident.
A few days later, on November 18th, we went on a month long lockdown because we heard there was a “staff assault.” If this was the case then the usual protocol for prison staff is to beat that prisoner physically, then throw him in the SHU until the wounds heal… it is what they do.
How bad did they beat the prisoner here? Did they cuff him, and like cowards, beat that man with sticks, tase him, kick him and slam him on the walls? It’s pretty easy to beat a man if you outnumber him 5 to 1, and cuff his hands behind his back.
We have to compare what happens in prisons to what happens in the streets. We seem amazed that what happens to George Floyd, Rodney King or now Tyre Nichols, is so unusual. This is very common in the prisons, and you have to ask the staff here at USP Tucson if this is the method they approve of.
It must be, if it continues to happen.
Why would law enforcement treat humyn beings so horribly? And to be stupid enough to do it with a BODY CAM on? Did they not know that this would be viewable to anyone in time? Why would you beat a man to death, with the cameras on?
This is an idea that prisons fear greatly; they fear that if society knew what happens in prisons, coupled with how law enforcement is clearly losing the ethical training they have, there would be such a cry for justice that the country may not be able to contain it.
But consider: some don’t sympathize with prisoners being brutally beaten because in some way, they think that the sentence of prison comes with the brutality of abuse. Yet the Constitution clearly disagrees. No human being deserves to be treated like that, to be beaten by another officer. No officer working in the United $tates is given a green light by the government to beat prisoners. Yet, it happens, and many excuse it because maybe we believe that deep down, the prisoner must have deserved it.
So reflect back to Tyre Nichols, why would those cowardly officers beat a man to death? Could it be that maybe they felt that Tyre “deserved” to be beaten… but if so, why?
Five cops who were filmed murdering Tyre Nichols.
Here’s one idea, one I have seen from the prison point of view: In prisons, where there is a disturbance, they call it “hitting the deuces.” When this happens, for example from a fight, officers come running from everywhere. In seconds, you can see up to 50 officers on the scene.
But note, when this happens, these officers get into a different frame of mind. The adrenaline rush puts many of these officers in an almost rage. Once that rage sets in, that officer is looking for a reason to release it. They are almost HOPING for a physical altercation, so that they can release that rage that is created because the situation could be a violent riot where a life may be lost.
The problem here is that once an officer gets into that adrenaline they don’t know how to come down, and so they are looking for a release. This happens very often in prisons, and no doubt, it happens in society. The problem is that these officers are not taught to TALK down to de-escalation, rather they are looking to make demands and argue.
Prisons prove this happens all the time, and many prison officers are not trained to de-escalate a situation; they are left to act on their anger and rage, which results often in physical violence, most times on defenseless prisoners.
So, I asked the Warden, does he approve of the methods we saw in Memphis… based on how staff treats prisoners, I think we know the answer. Their advantage: they don’t wear body cams, so they can get away with murder, literally. All they have to do is blame it on the prisoner, lose the footage and lock everyone down for a few weeks, so they can clean up the mess.
The Warden, as of August 10th, never responded.
UPDATE: On 12 September 2023 the five pigs were indicted on federal civil rights charges in addition to the state charges of second-degree murder they are already being tried for. The four-count indictment charges each of them with deprivation of rights under the color of law through excessive force and failure to intervene, and through deliberate indifference; conspiracy to witness tampering, and obstruction of justice through witness tampering.
There’s an ongoing debate as to why prisoners must have rights to the First Amendment, the right to free speech. Prisons often suffocate prisoners from speaking about what happens in prisons, as if it is a “security” risk. While there are elements that can pose a prison interest, most times this is not true, but prisons use flimsy excuses to prevent prisoners from telling the world what goes on. Prisons, like USP Tucson, use the Las Vegas mantra, “what happens in prison, stays in prison” (even if it’s illegal).
Let me share with you an example of prisons illegally suffocating a prisoner’s right to tell the public what is going on:
A magazine called Labyrinth published a story about two Black prisoners at a federal facility, Terre Haute, who died of asthma. Apparently, in January of 1975, a prisoner died, then in August at the same prison, another Black prisoner died of asthma.
During that time, the prison (Terre Haute) had only one respirator, which was known to have been inoperative in January when the first prisoner died. It wasn’t working when the second prisoner died either.
That is negligence. The prison’s incompetence cost two Black prisoners their lives.
However, when Labyrinth tried to send their magazines to Marion Federal Penitentiary, the prison blocked it, claiming that the article could be “detrimental to the good order and discipline” of the institution. The courts disagreed, stating that the incidents in Terre Haute, a federal facility, are newsworthy and of “great importance” (Pell v. Procuiner, 417 US. 817, 830, n.7. 94 S. Ct 2800, 2808 n.7, 41 L.Ed 2d 495 (1975)).
In that incident, the necessity to report prison negligence outweighs the prison’s vague idea that anything that happens in prison are not for the public’s ears. The public has a tremendous right to know that prisoners are dying in American prisons, and more so, if those working in prisons are indirectly, or directly, responsible for it.
Prisoners must be allowed to tell society if human beings in American prisons are treated with humane dignity, or like slaves at a plantation, or Jewish prisoners at a Concentration (and Extermination) camp. Left unchecked, this is exactly where prisons will gravitate to.
A few years ago, I personally wrote an essay about a prisoner here at USP Tucson, who was murdered while in the SHU (Special Housing Unit). I wrote that the staff knew that if they put the prisoner in a cell with a certain prisoner, that he would be killed. And so it was.
After getting the essay out, I got a letter from a law firm representing the victim’s wife. They wanted to talk to me, to get information about the staff working at the time of the murder, because USP Tucson refused to release such information. Even though staff was directly responsible for a man’s death, they refused to give the attorney the information, protecting the officers that facilitated the murder.
Sadly, I did not have such intel, because while the prison population all knew what happened, and how, most didn’t know who worked that day. A prisoner who was in the SHU that period of time, however, would have known. This is not about “safety and security” …it’s about murder.
Prisoners must be able to inform the public of what goes on in prisons, because if not, then there is no counter to prison staff brutality. Prisons like USP Tucson can toss every law over their back, and treat prisoners like dogs. They can beat a prisoner, steal their property, rape them, and no one on the outside would ever know. And, if it did get out, the prison would suppress all information and “defend the shield.” The First Amendment allows prisoners the equalizer, to hold prisons responsible for how they treat those under their custody.
Let’s be clear; the prison staff do not have the right to torment or torture prisoners, they prevent society from knowing about it; but unless prisoners get the word out, prisons will almost always violate humane treatment.
Left unchecked, prisons will always gravitate to persecution, torment, or torture. There must be a level of accountability by prisons, otherwise there would be no fear in allowing prisoners to speak.
So, let me share another recent example of why it is critical for prisoners or captives to speak. It is all too easy to prove that if prisons prohibit prisoners from writing, it gives the prison staff a green light to neglect their responsibilities.
On Friday, 18 November 2022, USP Tucson put the entire prison population on an institutional lockdown for an unknown incident. The week prior, on November 13th there was a “code red” because a prisoner at a different facility acquired a gun and would have shot an officer except the gun didn’t fire because the bullets didn’t match the gun.
Now let that marinate for a bit: how the heck did a prisoner at a federal facility acquire a gun, and what pushed such a person to that extreme? Shouldn’t that be an issue that the prison needs to look at, as far as how staff treat prisoners? It is not always just a prisoner’s fault: it takes two to tango. What did the officer do to provoke a man to such an extremity of hate that he had to get a gun? But prisons won’t look at that. There are other essays that could be written on that, but that’s for another time.
After that incident, on Sunday November 18th, another incident involving staff resulted in an immediate and excessive 30-day lockdown. All prisoners were restricted to their cells (the word “all” really needs to be defined as certain situations clearly show that the prison did not go by their own rules) with no outside movement except to the showers every 2-3 days. But, in this, there were numerous violations by the staff at USP Tucson, most with what may be legally called “deliberate intent.”
Earlier, I was attempting to make a compelling argument about the reasons why it is critical for society to hear from prisoners. Most times people think that once a person goes into a prison they lose all of their rights, this is often told to society by people working in prisons.
This is a lie.
Prisoners walk into Amerikan prisons with most of their rights, including the First Amendment, which is the freedom of speech. This is critical in the prison environment because left unchecked it will always result in prison abuse by staff. I might sound extremist when I say all, but history has clearly shown that if prisons are left to do what they want without any check on humane treatment, it always gravitates to neglect and abuse of the prisoners.
So the First Amendment allows prisoners to voice their grievances whether the prison likes it or not, to the people on the outside who have an interest in what goes on in prisons. We did not lose the right to say what is going on in prisons, in fact, who has a greater experience than us. Often times, courts use a “hands off” approach on these issues, usually deferring to the “expertise” of prison officials. I get that, but expertise does not mean these prison officials use humanitarian elements in their decision making.
So, I gave you a real example of a situation that happened here at USP Tucson; we were put on lockdown on Friday November 18th for what was identified as a “staff assault” in a separate dorm. The prison identified the perpetrator, moved him out of general population then it turned to the rest of the prison and punished them severely as if we all had a hand in it. This is called mass punishment and it is frowned on by many countries, yet the United $tates continues to use it.
I mentioned in the first part the numerous violations that USP Tucson may have committed in what is termed “deliberate intent.” This means there was no mistaking the actions the prison took, it was intended to cause harm. Here are some of the violations:
The warden never issued a memo for the official reason the prisoners were on a 30-day lockdown. If a person or people are to be punished, he or they must know why they are being punished so they can challenge it. This may very well be a violation of their due process – another constitutional right.
USP Tucson prevented prisoners from filing a grievance or a “BP.” When prisoners asked for them, the counselor flatly refused. This alone, is illegal.
Unit Team (Unit manager, case manger, counselor) avoided all prisoner questions, except legal calls or when passing out disciplinary charges. Unit team was working the entire time we were on the lockdown, but deliberately refused to do their job, avoiding all prisoners asking for help or assistance.
Unit Team refused to pass out paper, envelopes or writing instruments, prohibiting prisoners from writing. Here is the deathblow to the First Amendment. If a prisoner is refused these elements, there is no way he can communicate to the outside world.
USP Tucson violated their own policy, forcing kitchen workers to work 10-12 hours a day – every day – to prepare and clean the cafeteria. Prisoner medical orderlies, laundry workers, and selected prisoners were forced to work, but the prison refused to allow the dorm orderlies to clean the showers. This implies that the staff deemed certain prisoners “less of a security risk” than others, even though 99% of the prison population had nothing to do with the incident.
And let’s touch on the “incident” of the “staff assault.” Here is what happened, in a nut shell. USP Tucson brought a prisoner that is on a high care level, with clear and documented psychological issues, from a high-level prison. Hh has only been on the prison grounds less than a week, and the prison decided to take away his medication. Why? That makes no sense! He obviously needed it for a reason.
So, when the prisoner was refused his medication, he got angry, and assaulted an officer. This had nothing to do with the rest of the prison population.
USP Tucson never allowed prisoners a clean shower. At the point of this essay, each unit had eight shower runs the last 4 weeks. Each of the ten shower cells were used, on average 80 times and not once did staff allow the dorm orderlies to clean it, and the showers were toxic each time prisoners had to step in there.
USP Tucson prohibited the sale of stamps, nor would distribute stamps, nor would take letters without stamps. This, for 25 days, prevented prisoners from any contact with the outside world. Another deathblow to the First Amendment, and obviously, quite illegal.
This act, the one just mentioned, may be the most malicious because unless you had stamps before November 18th, you had no way to communicate with loved ones, an attorney, a church, the media, or anyone. USP Tucson violated prisoner’s First Amendment for almost a month, and ignored every request and offer to rectify the situation.
Prisoners with no stamps had no way to let loved ones know that they were okay, or alive, or if USP Tucson was beating prisoners, stealing property or doing all sorts of things to them. When families and loved ones called the prison, many were told that we were on a “COVID-19 lockdown”. That was a lie. With no accountability, staff were free to be inhumane, for almost a month. This includes a “shakedown” where the prison took easily tens of thousands of dollars worth of personal and legal property from prisoners and threw them away or took them to their families for Christmas.
When the prisoners lose their First Amendment, when prisons like USP Tucson rob people of this protected right, it immediately opens the door to mistreatment. It always happens. Without fail. It is said in a case law, Thomburg v. Abbot, that
“A prison ban on prisons sending letters that complain of internal conditions in the institution restricted the First Amendment in two ways: one, the prisoner’s right to free speech is curtailed and two, the public’s right to know what is happening within the prison system, a right that can only be fulfilled through an informed press, is restricted.”
For four weeks, I didn’t have the chance to tell people what USP Tucson was doing to us. For 25 days, I could not let my mother know that I was still alive. For 25 days I could not tell society that these federal prison staff officers had denied us humane showers, stole property, and practiced slave labor.
For 25 days we were tortured and nobody knew until now.
This is why prisoners MUST write. And just wait until you read what I share after the four weeks ended, and we were finally able to find out everything that happened around the prison.
In prisons, there are venues for prisoners who have been abused or
treated unfairly or inhumanely. When things like this happen, a prisoner
has a right to sue, but only if he can get his case to court.
The problem is that because of PLRA, or Prison Litigation Reform Act,
it’s much more difficult for a prisoner, even if he is right, to get his
case to court. In essence, PLRA requires prisoners to first exhaust the
Administrative Remedy procedure… or a grievance procedure. In Federal
Prisons, it is known as a BP.
So quick scenario; a Black prisoner is being harassed by white
officers, who: constantly use racial slurs and trash his cell, taking
his family pictures and other valuables. The prisoner tries to file a BP
to get to court. Months pass, with no success, so he tries to take it
straight to court. The court shoots down his claim, because he did not
go through proper procedure of filing a grievance. So, even if the
prisoner is right, the courts won’t acknowledge his lawsuit because he
didn’t go by the rules.
But, is the prison going by them? Let’s talk about that, and how
prisons like USP Tucson are actually breaking the rules, making it very
difficult for prisoners to properly file a lawsuit, because the
Administrative Remedy procedure is horribly flawed.
To begin, let me pull up a statement from a case law, Woodford v.
Ngo 548 US 81, 126, S. Ct 2378, 165 L.Ed 2d 368 (2006). I want to
share with you an argument a prisoner had about the grievance procedure,
and what the argument against it was:
“Respondent contends that requiring proper exhaustion will lead
prison administrators to devise procedural requirements that are
designed to trap unwary prisoners and thus to defeat their claims.
Respondent does not contend, however, that anything like this occurred
in his case, and it is speculative that this will occur in the future.
Corrections officials concerned about maintaining order in their
institutions have a reason for creating and retaining grievance systems
that provide — and that are perceived by prisoners as providing - a
meaningful opportunity for prisoners to raise meritorious grievances.
And with respect to the possibility that prisons might create procedural
requirements for the purpose of tripping up all but the most skillful
prisoners, while Congress repealed the “plain, speedy, and effective”
standard, see 42 U. S. C. §1997e(a)(1) (1994 ed.) (repealed 1996), we
have no occasion here to decide how such situations might be addressed.”
- Justice Samuel Alito
In short, this argument claims that the prisoner was incorrect that
prisons could – and do – make it much harder for prisoners to file a
grievance. After all, if the prisoner can’t file the grievance, he can’t
get to court to sue the officers. In the above case, the Black prisoner
is trying to go through the procedure, meaning he has to exhaust the
grievance procedure, before he can go to the courts. This kinda makes
sense, because one intent of the PLRA is to prevent a lot of frivolous
lawsuits by prisoners.
But in doing this, there is a flaw, one prison has used a cheat in
the procedure. Let me explain:
To begin the BP, or grievance process, a prisoner must first have an
issue… ok, check. The prisoner claims discrimination against officers,
so he has a right to file a grievance. Well, step one, as I use USP
Tucson as an example, is to get what is called a BP-8. This is the
lowest form of the grievance, and it should be available upon
Problem: Here at USP Tucson, it isn’t. The prison makes a policy that
ONLY the Counselor can hand out a BP-8. So, what if the Counselor isn’t
there? You have to wait to find the Counselor, because apparently no
other officer in the world can get that piece of paper. This is already
an obstacle of due process. In other states, you can get a grievance
form from any officer, especially the ones working in your dorm. It
makes sense, they are there all day, why not allow them to pass out the
But, if you change the rules, you then regulate how often you pass
out the grievances. Now, you can’t get a BP unless there is a certain
officer there. And if he/she isn’t there, they don’t pass them out. So,
in theory, a Counselor can stiff-arm prisoners from getting a BP, by
making excuses of not being there, or “not having any”.
I say this from a LOT of experience… this happens a lot here at USP
Tucson. Many prisoners are frustrated with the Administrative Remedy
because for most, it simply does not work. The case law implies that all
prisons want to make the grievance procedure available for the
maintaining of order, this is not necessarily true at all.
Another technique for obstructing the grievance procedure is to
simply “lose” the grievance. If you manage to corner the Counselor and
get a BP-8 form, you then have to fill it out and hand it back to them.
Problem: The BP-8 is a single white piece of paper, and once you hand it
to the Counselor, you have NO copy. So how do you know they actually
processed it? In many cases, they don’t. They either “lose” it, or
simply trash it.
So, if you can get past the BP-8, there then is a formal BP-9, which
is on carbon paper. You have to fill out the form (if you’re lucky
enough to even get one), then turn it in to the Counselor (if you can
find “Waldo”), and wait for them to give you a carbon copy, if they
don’t lose it or trash it.
Additionally, the carbon paper on the BP-9 is so poor, you have to
have the strength of the Hulk to press down, to make the copy on the
second page, let alone the third or fourth. So, the BP-9 is almost
worthless after the first copy is torn off.
If you get no responses from the BP-9, then you have to go to the
BP-10, which goes over the heads of staff. But rinse and repeat on the
procedure. It is incredibly difficult to get the forms, when in
actuality, it should ALWAYS be available to any prisoner, at any time,
by most staff members. But staff plays keep away, from prisoners, to
prevent them from getting the BP’s, so they cannot timely file.
I say all this from experience. In February, I filed a BP-9 against
staff in my dorm because they refused to give us chemicals to clean the
showers during a lockdown. Over that period of time, an average of 30
prisoners used each shower cell, and not one drop of chemicals were used
to clean it. Think about that, how many of you would walk into a shower
after 30 other people had already used it? How about 10? Even 5? No one
here should have to do that, but staff knew about it, and did
So, I wrote a BP-9 and the Case Manager took it and “turned it in” to
the Counselor, long story short, as of this date, 9 September 2022, I
have heard nothing, and they had only 30 days to respond. My guess, they
threw it away.
This is much like cheating at chess, where we have to match wits
against a facility that seems to be dead set on preventing prisoners
from properly (and legally) filing a grievance. Let us not lose the fact
that the grievance procedure is Constitutionally protected; no officer
or staff has the right to prevent prisoners from filing.
But, if you cannot complete the grievance, you cannot get to court,
because they will claim, as the case law showed, that the inmate didn’t
do the proper work, when in fact he did all he could do, but staff
aggressively prevented him from being able to file. The courts seem to
be blind, or naive, that prison officials would actually HONOR the
grievance system.
Think about that, why would they honor a system that holds their
staff accountable? Do you really think they are going to play fair if,
in the example I gave, a Black Prisoner is trying to sue racist
officers? Do you really think they are going to let the BP’s go through,
when they can block it at every turn?
It’s like cheating at chess, and it’s also why so many grievances
fail, because places like USP Tucson have figured out the loopholes and
are exploiting them to prevent prisoners from their constitutional
rights. It happens all the time, and nobody is doing anything about
I mean, take out my queen, rooks and bishops, and yeah, it’s hard for
me to win too.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This is why comrades in United
Struggle from Within initiated the campaigns “We Demand Our Grievances
are Addressed.” Comrades developed petitions for many states as well as
the Feds to appeal these issues to higher and outside authorities to try
to bypass the problem described above. This campaign has included other
tactics like filing group grievances and even taking other group actions
when grievances are ignored. In many states comrades have called for an
outside review board to address these complaints. But ultimately, there
are no rights only power struggles, so leaving these issues in the hands
of the state will only do so much. The solution to the problem is coming
together as prisoners, as the oppressed and fighting for these rights
every step of the way. That is why we must build peace and unity among
prisoners to get grievances addressed.