Validated for Participating in MIM(Prisons) Study Group
The enclosed disciplinary report states:
“Description of violation: On May 8, 2015 at 6:10 p.m. in accordance with Administrative Directive 10.7 I, Officer Lorenzen, reviewed an outgoing letter written by Inmate XX. In this letter Inmate XX shows his continued affiliation to the Security Risk Group Bloods by using a total of six five pointed stars which are identifiers used by the Bloods. Twice in this letter Inmate Patterson replaces the letter ‘C’ with the letter ‘K.’ This occurs on the bottom of the first page of the letter where he writes ‘Afrikans.’ The second place this occurs is on the third page of the letter where he writes ‘Amerika.’ This shows disrespect to the Security Risk Group Crips and is a behavior clearly associated with the Security Risk Group Bloods.“Inmate XX makes the written statement, ‘As of now as the leader of our study group…’ This statement clearly shows that Inmate XX recognizes himself as holding a leadership position over other Security Risk Group Members. In the letter he also states, ‘We meet twice a week during our recreation period for 15 minutes…’ This statement further shows that he is recognized as a leader of Security Risk Group Members that have the same recreation period as him.
“The use of letter replacement, five pointed stars, as well as leading and organizing Security Risk Group Members are behaviors clearly associated with a Security Risk Group which is a violation of Administrative Directive 9.5. For this Inmate XX is being issued a Class A Disciplinary Report for Security Risk Group Affiliation.”
The prisoner’s appeal was denied.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We will support this comrade in eir righteous battle to have basic Constitutional rights recognized. Whether you’re Maoist or Crip, the way you spell can get you punished in the U.$. injustice system. And organizing others to come together to study, well that is a very serious offense for the most oppressed in the good ole’ U.$.A.