Extreme neglect in California prison
I am writing to you because I’m currently housed in California State Prison - Sacramento B-yard (PSU). I’m writing to you on my behalf and on behalf of all the prisoners who are housed in B-7(PSU) to ask you if you can help us because we are living in a very dirty, unsanitary & cruel solitary confinement.
Where we have bird in the unit who poop all over the unit as the showers never get clean and due to that numerous prisoners caught fungus on their feet, like myself I caught bad fungus that now spread to my hand & fingers. Because the unit officers never clean the showers nor the unit & even when myself and a few other prisoners submitted 6O2 complaints about it they only send prisoners from the main line to clean a couple of times and after that it went back to the same old days being dirty and when we write complaints about staff misconduct, the sergeants and unit officers start to retaliate by not feeding us or threatened us that they would not feed us, get assaulted, sexual harassment, coming inside our cells & throwing or spitting on our food and hygiene on the floor & ripped or throw away our legal documents. Like they did to me & a few other prisoners.
And everyday at breakfast Officer G. Herrera is going around with other officers while passing breakfast not giving prisoners their breakfast food and threatening them that he’s going to go inside our cells and beat us up. It got to a point that at one time he told me and another prisoner that he was going to come inside our cell knock us out and sodomize us. We reported this and many other misconducts and the way we are living to the appeals coordinators by submitting complaint 602 appeals and also writing letters to the institution warden. Nothing was done on their part all we got was more retaliation from officers.
The appeals coordinators have been giving our complaints to sergeants from the same yard we are and those are sergeants who myself and other prisoners have filed complaints against already. And they are biased because they write us up by saying we lied on our complaint but that sergeants don’t even do the right and proper investigation all they do is issue us all write ups for supposedly lying.
Also when we go through mental breakdown & are dealing with suicidal thoughts & we notify the officers and nurses that we are experiencing suicidal thoughts to help us. The officers and nurses they just ignored us, even when we end up cutting ourselves and swallow shard metal objects in the intent of ending our lives they ignored us. All this happened to a lot of us prisoners and we are in the (PSU) because we are part of the mental health program at the E.O.P level and we are still being mistreated, discriminated against and ignored and this just triggers more our mental health and safety concerns.
So please help us as we are all begging for your help as we keep being ignored.
Sincerely, (PSU) Prisoners