Prisoners Report on Conditions in

Boyd Unit - Federal

Got a keyboard? Help type articles, letters and study group discussions from prisoners. help out is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.

We hope this information will inspire people to take action and join the fight against the criminal injustice system. While we may not be able to immediately impact this particular instance of abuse, we can work to fundamentally change the system that permits and perpetuates it. The criminal injustice system is intimately tied up with imperialism, and serves as a tool of social control on the homeland, particularly targeting oppressed nations.

[Medical Care] [Boyd Unit] [Texas]

Medical Neglect at Boyd in Texas

I need Sworn Complaint Form to file criminal complaint against prison nurse for falsification of State Medical Records with Grimes County District Attorney in violation of Texas State Penal Code § 37.09 and § 37.10. We have a L.V.N. named Gwendolyn Crawford (a.k.a. “Killer Crawford the Angel of Death”) who falsified my medical records on 10/18/18 stating I complained of cold like symptoms, when in fact I complained of a Kidney Infection and Urinary Tract Infection and had a 103.8 Temperature at 6 pm. After Crawford falsified my records I was sent back to my cell. At 12:30am I had to be carried to medical on an emergency where I was shaking so violently from the chills from the fever and infection that guards thought I was having a seizure. R.N. Benson conducted the test for Kidney/Urinary Tract Infection and test was positive showing elevated white blood cell count, protein in urine and fever of 103.8° and Tara Lierdsey, N.P. was called and antibiotics were prescribed, only after they discovered L.V.N. Crawford had falsified my medical record 6 1/2 hours earlier. Crawford was deliberately indifferent to my serious medical needs, practiced medicine outside the scope of her license and violated State Tort Laws of Medical Negligence/Malpractice; as well as violated the Texas Penal Code in falsifying my medical records; which resulted in physical harm, suffering, and mental anguish.

I wish to file both criminal charges with the Grimes County District Attorney and wish to file suit in Federal Court for Deliberate Indifference to Serious Medical Needs in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

[Abuse] [Boyd Unit] [Texas]

Dangerous heat in Texas

I spent 24 out of 34 days with no air circulation inside 8 cell in 11 building (solitary confinement) toward the end of June & most of July. The windows are not designed to open, just to allow the blazing sun in, which we aren’t allowed to block. Normally air is drawn out of the cell and fresh non cooled air from outside is pumped in. Well, it went out 3 times leading to 24 days of breathing stale air. You sweat night and day even with the 8” fan (purchased off commissary) blowing at your face. I developed a rash and jack itch as a result of likely sweating & for wetting down my sheet every hour, night & day & climbing under it to cool down.

I take a diuretic for hypertension, which is known to deplete your body of water. While they don’t seem to care about elevated risk to those that take medicine, one would think given the current lawsuit they would move at risk persons, especially in situations like this where in Warden Carter knew the air system was down. (We have a separate super max solitary confinement which is 12 building and has AC in it. So why wasn’t I placed in there?)

I’ve put in a step 2 grievance on this as well as several other issues. I’m sick of being abused by a broken system that fails to impart fairness. If you have anything, or know of some one else I should write, please send it to me in the S.A.S.E. I’ve enclosed.

[Abuse] [Boyd Unit] [Texas] [ULK Issue 40]

Texas Prisoner Dies After Pleas for Help are Ignored

On 20 June 2014 from 7pm to 9:30pm, 65-year-old Juan Nave pleaded with CO Justin Jernigan for cold water, for medical staff, and to be let out his cell to get some cool air from the dayroom fans because he didn’t have a fan in his cell and it was about 100 degrees in our cells. My cell is nearby so I listened as Mr. Nave told to the unconcerned Officer Jernigan he was really ill and needed medical attention. I also attempted to request water and to be let out of my dangerously heated cell for a little cool down time, and CO Jernigan said, “I’m hot too, handle it like me,” and he walked away with no consideration for our health or life. Around 9:30pm was the last time I heard Mr. Nave beg Officer Jernigan for help only to be ignored again. At 10pm Jernigan went home and CO Brake took his place. It wasn’t until CO Brake was doing a bed count around 1:30am that he discovered Juan Nave was dead.

Both Wardens, the Major and Captain were there within 30 minutes. They called their own medical examiner to rule the death a heart attack, but I knew it was heat that caused Mr. Nave’s death. I asked the shift supervisor Lt. Ruth if they were going to get statements from us witnessing prisoners. Lt. Ruth said they would a little later, but no one questioned me or other witnessing prisoners. I filed a grievance but it was denied per grievance policy, “no inmate can file complaint for or about another inmate.” About 3 to 4 days after Mr. Nave’s death, CO Jernigan worked on the same wing, with a very arrogant and flamboyant attitude. When I mentioned Mr. Nave’s death to Jernigan he said, “it was not my fault, he had a heart attack,” and walked away.

This time I filed my grievance against Jernigan failing to let me have water and call a supervisor when I informed him I was overheated. That upset Jernigan, and he retaliated by ransacking my cell, taking things he had to give back. I filed another complaint mentioning CO Jernigan killing Mr. Nave and trying to kill me in retaliation for me filing these grievance complaints. A few weeks later Sgt. Thomas informed me Justin Jernigan was removed from the unit work schedule. But that won’t bring Juan Nave back to life or relieve his suffering the day of his death. This is why I need all the firepower I can get with all the grievance support that’s available.

MIM(Prisons) adds: This fight against the dangerous heat in Texas prisons is literally a battle of life and death, as demonstrated by this article and others we have received from across the state. This is a good opportunity to push the Texas grievance campaign and demand grievances be heard. The rule that a grievance can be denied because a dead prisoner is unable to file his/her own grievance is just one more ludicrous reason used by TDCJ to reject our valid complaints against mistreatment. Write to us to request a copy of the Texas grievance guide.

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