Control Units in Apalachee Correctional Institution
I am currently housed in an administrative confinement unit in Florida’s Apalachee Correctional Institution. The East Unit has two confinement buildings: Disciplinary Confinement (DC) and Administrative Confinement (AC). In DC we are on 24 hour lockdown except to take showers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 3 minutes to wash. Once you’ve been on DC for 30 days you are eligible for recreation outside for 3-4 hours on Saturday, but they only give us 1 hour, if that. We exercise in what’s called a dog cage. It is 15x8 feet approximately.
Administrative Confinement (AC) Y Dorm houses prisoners placed here for security purposes ranging from disciplinary reports, protective management, or investigation. They sometimes use AC as a form of punishment just because they want to. You can stay back here up to 180 days. AC holds about 30-40 prisoners on each wing (1,2,3).
The cell is 6x10 feet with bars as the door. I can touch wall to wall with both arms extended. We rarely get recreation. It’s infested with rats and ants which come in and out of your room throughout the day. Your toilet only flushes two times every hour, sometimes less. There’s no central heating or air conditioning so right now it’s summer and it reaches 100 degrees and we have to be fully dressed. They only have fans at each end of the hall and certain officers will turn them off as a punishment. The office has AC so it won’t affect them. Here showers are also Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but you are in a cage with another prisoner which is dangerous because there’s a possibility of rape. They give you a piece of a whole soap about the size of a credit card broke in half, if even that big. It’s hotel soap and we only get one a week. We get toilet paper every 10 days, sometimes it takes longer. We are supposed to receive 2 rolls per inmate but they just give us one and if you run out, you’re just out until next time.
This place is terrible. I wouldn’t want my worst enemy here in AC or DC.
MIM(Prisons) adds We have been collecting statistics on control units in prisons across the country as a part of our campaign to shut down the control units. This prisoner’s report is part of more general information he provided about the units in Florida. To help us compile accurate statistics about control units in your prison, write to us for a copy of the control unit survey.