Slavery and Racism justify SHU time in NY
This facility has banned ALL MIM materials and they refuse to allow me duplications of the Media Review Notices- the only copy I have was sent back for appeal purposes because it is not “legal” materials!
These fascist pigs have also taken 8 months and 8 days of good time from me because I reported their employee who was using me as a slave, and have started a civil suite over it. (see enclosed)
[excerpt from claim]The complaint/grievance was the result of the claimant’s having been enslaved by Mr. Snye, the horticulture instructor of Riverview. The claimant was forced to choose between completing a web-site for one of Mr. Snye’s personal business ventures or punitive physical measures (being forced to shift enormous stones and to engage in other extremely demanding physical labor) and, if the claimant contineud to refuse, expulsion from the program. Threats of bogus charges and accompanying disciplinary measures were consatntly looming, along with vague, yet clear indications that there would by SHU time, if anyone found out.
Safety concerns led the Inspector [General] to place the claimant in another facility immediately. Within 24 hours of the claimant’s arrival there, threats toward the claimant required that he be placed in involuntary protective custody, and be housed with inmates who are in trouble.
Current conditions have arrested the claimant’s ability to progress in rehabilitation.
Removal from ASAT (Alcohol Substance Abuse Treatment) hinders the claimant’s potential time allowance.
Could someone put some pressure on these pigs, particularly Officers Bartsch, Peters (who is the absolute worst pig I’ve ever encountered), and Program Assistant Jeff Portersnok, who arbitrarily, with Bartsch as assistant, removed me form the brainwashing program, effectively diminishing my good time chances to zero - because he took it upon himself to investigate the slave labor at Riverview!
Officer Peters arbitrarily writes disciplinary reports and calls me a “Commie Bastard” regularly, as well as disrespects my family, my person, and my property.
If some pressure could be applied that won’t result in retaliation it would help not just me, but the entire compound.
In Struggle,
a New York Prisoner
I am writing regarding Mr. B. Peters, an officer at Cayuga Correctional Facility who works the 7-3AM shift in B2 Dorm. I have only been in this dorm for 30 days and it’s been the worst 30 days of my life. Mr. B. Peters harasses me constantly as well as many other inmates at this facility.
On February 14, 2008, Mr. B. Peters searched my cube with me present and during the search he said that he doesn’t like me. I have never done nothing wrong to this cop and he continues to make slick remarks, call me names like little shit and spick. He also told me that he can’t wait to pack me up. I am honestly in fear for my safety and I am nervous that he might throw something in my cubby while I’m in program or something. I am also scared that he might retaliate because I’m writing you this letter.
On February 22, 2008 he gave me a ticket for disobeying a direct order. This officer tells me to put my personal sheets into a plastic bag without any explanation as to why he wants my sheets. Then when I asked him why I have to put my sheets in a bag and bring it to him he said that he doesn’t have to explain anything to me because I’m in prison. He also mentioned that if I don’t comply with his demand, he will send my ass to the box. And since he was so rude and disrespectful I chose not to give him my sheets… Due to the ticket he wrote me I’m looking toward 30 days in the box.
In Struggle,
a second New York Prisoner
Today, despite tremendous opposition by my captors, I have successfully defeated the censors here at this Cayuga Correctional Pig Pen (see enclosed).
Now, the bad news, today was supposed to be my release date. I have sent copies of numerous document to the party bolstering my position, and even the state of New York admitted their errors in respect to the employee who enslaved me, and yet they still won’t let me go free.
Another comrade here, who has a sexual assault investigation pending against Sgt. Hoadley, the grievance sergeant, is being held past his date now 2 or 3 months.
Please let me know what is happening as I am certainly becoming less and less able to proceed. My body is locked up, and I feel my mind is going too.
a New York Prisoner