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Agreement to End Hostilities
initiated in May 2006updated on July 15, 2022
Originally billed as the “Pelican Bay Peace Process,” this campaign was re-ignited in 2012 in the midst of a series of hunger strikes across California prisons denouncing long-term isolation and group punishment. The agreement was part of a campaign that mobilized over 30,000 prisoners in California to participate in a strike in 2013. Since then the agreement has been upheld by all major groups in the Calfifornia prison system.
The California Council of United Struggle from Within have declared this campaign to be the number one task for CA prisoners. As the originators of the Pelican Bay Peace Process always stressed, it is through prisoner unity that we can effectively fight important struggles like the ending of torture in the form of long-term isolation.
Agreement to End Hostilities
August 12, 2012
To whom it may concern and all California Prisoners:
Greetings from the entire PBSP-SHU Short Corridor Hunger Strike Representatives. We are hereby presenting this mutual agreement on behalf of all racial groups here in the PBSP-SHU Corridor. Wherein, we have arrived at a mutual agreement concerning the following points:
- If we really want to bring about substantive meaningful changes to the CDCR system in a manner beneficial to all solid individuals, who have never been broken by CDCR’s torture tactics intended to coerce one to become a state informant via debriefing, that now is the time to for us to collectively seize this moment in time, and put an end to more than 20-30 years of hostilities between our racial groups.
- Therefore, beginning on October 10, 2012, all hostilities between our racial groups? in SHU, Ad-Seg, General Population, and County Jails, will officially cease. This means that from this date on, all racial group hostilities need to be at an end? and if personal issues arise between individuals, people need to do all they can to exhaust all diplomatic means to settle such disputes; do not allow personal, individual issues to escalate into racial group issues!!
- We also want to warn those in the General Population that IGI will continue to plant undercover Sensitive Needs Yard (SNY) debriefer “inmates” amongst the solid GP prisoners with orders from IGI to be informers, snitches, rats, and obstructionists, in order to attempt to disrupt and undermine our collective groups’ mutual understanding on issues intended for our mutual causes [i.e., forcing CDCR to open up all GP main lines, and return to a rehabilitative-type system of meaningful programs/privileges, including lifer conjugal visits, etc. via peaceful protest activity/noncooperation e.g., hunger strike, no labor, etc. etc.]. People need to be aware and vigilant to such tactics, and refuse to allow such IGI inmate snitches to create chaos and reignite hostilities amongst our racial groups. We can no longer play into IGI, ISU, OCS, and SSU’s old manipulative divide and conquer tactics!!!
In conclusion, we must all hold strong to our mutual agreement from this point on and focus our time, attention, and energy on mutual causes beneficial to all of us [i.e., prisoners], and our best interests. We can no longer allow CDCR to use us against each other for their benefit!! Because the reality is that collectively, we are an empowered, mighty force, that can positively change this entire corrupt system into a system that actually benefits prisoners, and thereby, the public as a whole… and we simply cannot allow CDCR/CCPOA – Prison Guard’s Union, IGI, ISU, OCS, and SSU, to continue to get away with their constant form of progressive oppression and warehousing of tens of thousands of prisoners, including the 14,000 (+) plus prisoners held in solitary confinement torture chambers [i.e. SHU/Ad-Seg Units], for decades!!!
We send our love and respects to all those of like mind and heart? onward in struggle and solidarity?
Presented by the PBSP-SHU Short Corridor Collective:
Todd Ashker, C58191, D1-119
Arturo Castellanos, C17275,
Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa (Dewberry), C35671, D1-117
Guillen, P81948, D2-106
And the Representatives Body:
Danny Troxell, B76578, D1-120
George Franco, D46556, D4-217
Yandell, V27927, D4-215
Paul Redd, B72683, D2-117
James Baridi
Williamson, D-34288. D4-107
Alfred Sandoval, D61000, D4-214
Powell, B59864, D1-104
Alex Yrigollen, H32421, D2-204
Huerta, C80766, D3-222
Frank Clement, D07919, D3-116
Raymond Chavo
Perez, K12922, D1-219
James Mario Perez, B48186, D3-124
[NOTE: All names and the statement must be verbatim when used & posted on any website or media, or non-media, publications]
Background on the Pelican Bay Peace Process
Since 2001, there have been at least 500 race-based riots behind the walls, and approximately as many individual stabbing incidents related to this conflict. Over 200 race riots took place in 2005 alone. Even worse, since 2001, the conflict has spilled out into the community outside the walls, especially in southern California, and now the community is caught up in the conflict. Of course the CDC will not take responsibility for the escalation of this conflict, but the fact remains that it was the CDC that sabotaged our efforts to end it, and now it has enveloped the whole state of California.
We can no longer afford to expect the CDC or government to end this conflict, or allow them to prevent us from ending it. The escalation of this conflict is a further example of the CDC’s criminal negligence. As a class of veteran convicts, we are reaching out to the outside community for your assistance in resolving this conflict. With your help, we can put an end to this war.
Updates/Reports from Inside
- Rest in Power: Principal Thinker, Peace Maker, New Afrikan Revolutionary Paul Redd (July 2022)
- Notes on Bridging Gap Between SNY and GP in California (April 2019)
- Advancing the AEH is the Answer to Forced Re-Integration (November 2018)
- Checking Paperwork v. Checking Ourselves (July 2018)
- CDCR Instigating Large Scale Violence To Avoid Federal Court Ordered Releases (July 2018)
- Programming Facilities in CA to Decrease SNY Population (June 2018)
- Biggest Divide in California reply (October 2017)
- PHRM Needs Bridges to SNY and Trans Prisoners (October 2017)
- Riots Make Organizing Hard at Corcoran (March 2017)
- Changing Terrain in Corcoran as Populations are Transferred (November 2016)
- NOGE Comrade Responds to ULK 52, Building and Reflecting on UFPP (November 2016)
- Put Aside Your Quarrels, Support the Spirit of the AEH (June 2016)
- Unity Growing on the Yard at Folsom (April 2016)
- The Free Speech Society Presents: The Conflict Resolution Committee (March 2016)
- Seeking USW's Help to Build Peace in Pelican Bay (February 2016)
- Agreement to End Hostilities in CA: 3 Year Status Update (September 2015)
- Black August Organizing Focused on Popularizing Agreement to End Hostilities (September 2015)
- End to Hostilities Holding, September 9th Plans Small (September 2015)
- CDCR Lackeys Assassinate Leader of Prison Movement (August 2015)
- 'I Contribute To Peace', a pledge to end hostilities inside and out (July 2015)
- Lessons from the Bandung Conference for the United Front for Peace in Prisons (March 2015)
- It's Phase Two, We're All Goin' to the SHU (February 2015)
- Agreement to End Hostilities is the Main Struggle in CA (January 2015)
- USW Health Campaign Brings STG Violations (July 2013)
- California Hunger Strike Representatives Promote Peace Agreement (November 2012)
- Once Hostilities Have Ended (October 2012)
- Peace in the Streets (March 2009)
- We Want Peace! They Want Security. (March 2009)
- Who's talking in code, pig? (July 2008)
- Apoya las platicas de paz de la prision Pelican Bay (February 2008)
- Peace between prisoners discouraged in California (October 2006)
- History of the Peace Summit initiative at Pelican Bay (October 2006)
- Support the Pelican Bay State Prison Peace Talk (May 2006)
Related Censorship
[CA] | 03/15/2016 | study pack | September 9 Organizing Pack | Mailing which incites murder; arson; riot; or any form of violence. Disallowed per CCR, Title 15, section 3006(c)(1) | Pelican Bay State Prison |
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