Digital Mail Censorship and Strip Searches in Minnesota
Revolutionary greetings comrades. To take the words of Comrade Triumphant of USW’s headline in his powerful article in ULK 83: the Minnesota Department of Corrections “joins list of states using digital mail to disrupt and surveil communications.”(1)
As all dedicated readers of ULK know well, this has been a constant pattern and practice of the fascist predatory pig administrations across AmeriKKKa’s carceral apparatuses contracting with these pig-assisting surveillance companies, such as TextBehind.
On 30 October 2024, the pigs here at so-called Maximum Security Prison - Oak Park Heights distributed the enclosed TextBehind flyer announcing that beginning 1 November 2024, all general mail to prisoners must be sent to TextBehind located in Phoenix, Maryland to be scanned, then re-routed over here to us. Come to find out, every person in the state of Minnesota received this same flyer. Notably, the flyer says that TextBehind does not accept legal mail. However, the Oak Park Heights PIG Administration issued additional memos, those of which I have obtained copies of and enclosed with this letter, outlining policy changes/changes to the definitions of what constitutes legal mail. As shown, the memos mention that some sort of “verification” device, QR code that attorneys must obtain before sending correspondence to their imprisoned clients.
Have you comrades heard of this type of process taking place anywhere else in terms of legal mail?
About a month or so prior to this mail memo, another memo was issued by the pigs (which I haven’t yet obtained a copy of) removing Amazon as an “approved vendor” that we as well as our family and friends can order us books from. The options we were left with are companies that don’t carry a lot of titles, like Blood In My Eye by George L. Jackson; Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America by Kristian Williams; We Reserve the Right to Resist: Prison Wars and Black Resistance by Dequi Kioni-Sadiki; and Black Power Afterlives by Sekou Odinga and Dequi Kioni-Sadiki.
This change was allegedly because of “drugs.”
The entire captive population has been under relentless terroristic attack all under the guise of drugs coming through the mail. Captives are being falsely accused by pigs of being “intoxicated” and sent to solitary confinement even after drug and alcohol testing results are negative; captives have had their visitation and phones wrongfully taken; comrades have had every single piece of paper in their cells confiscated and destroyed by the pigs. I’m talking about one’s trial transcripts, legal documents, book manuscripts, poems, letters, etc.
The strip searches have been incessant. Literally blitzkriegs of sexual assault strip searches. In relation to strip searches in general, I’ve been struggling to end them across the states men’s prisons in Minnesota to be replaced with body scanners. In the women’s prison, they successfully campaigned to have unclothed body searches replaced with body scanners. Minnesota effectively banned the use of strip searches on juveniles. I had an article published on this topic in a local newspaper.(2)
In terms of the mail issue, myself and a few other captives who’ve had their mail from courts opened are exhausting our administrative remedies (grievance process) and conducting research into this issue to bring challenge to this policy in the courts – the struggle is constant.
Notes: 1. Triumphant of United Struggle from Within, August
2023, “TDCJ Joins List of States Using Digital Mail to Disrupt and
Surveil Communications”, Under Lock & Key 83.
2. Shavelle
Chavez-Nelson, 4 September 2024, Strip searches are sexual assaults by
the state”, Minnesota Spokesman Recorder.