XXL Just Wants Your $12.99
Revolutionary greetings, comrades. I consider myself to be a conscious brother. I’m also a realist. I can’t help but notice that prisoners are writing in, complaining about issues that are minute. And/or of no interest to Us that are dedicated to and about the struggle (total liberation of Our people mentally, spiritually, and physically).
Take for instance the problem with censorship. True, it’s a problem that needs attention. However, complaining over magazines such as Vibe, XXL, and King is ludicrous. These publications don’t give a damn about these concentration camps we’re housed in. As long as that capitalistic business receives our $12.99 they are straight. Let’s support those that support us such as MIM(Prisons).
Also comrades, we’re all held in an institution that breeds injustice. We’re all aware of this fact. OK, let’s start fighting this beast with the resources we have. Educate yourself with the law. Know how to attack the grievance system that’s a part of this corrupt system. We have to have comrades on the outside that are willing to harass these slave-holders and let them know that you have family/friends that care and are wiling to fight until justice is done. Without that we’re on our own and must unite and fight until justice is done. We must want for our brothers/sisters what we want for ourselves.
Texas is one of the worst states to do time in. We have no phones, don’t get paid a red cent to work, and we damn near make everything that’s sold in the commissary. However that can’t break the spirit of a warrior who is dedicated to uplifting my people.
The time is now to unite.
MIM Responds: This comrade is right to assert that the publishers of Vibe, XXL, and King probably only care about their dollar. We’ve tried communicating with Harris Publications a number of times about the racist censorship of their magazines in amerikan prisons but have still received no response. MIM(Prisons) is against all censorship in prison and would align with the publishers of magazines like XXL, if they were interested. So far they haven’t been, but we will still uphold these as examples of the racist censorship policies in u$ prisons.