Virginia Denies Study Group Mail as Detrimental to Rehabilitation
Enclosed is a notice that the Level 1 study group material you mailed to me has been forwarded to Publication Review Committee for disapproval. One of the reasons for disapproval is “material whose content could be detrimental to the offender rehabilitative efforts…” I must ask, What rehabilitative efforts? I’m serving a sentence of double-life plus 46 years. I’ve been incarcerated since June 1988. I’m not eligible for any school programs. I’m not enrolled in any treatment programs. Nor do I have a job inside the prison.
Further, the Virginia Department of Corruptions, um, Corrections (VADOC) is truly ignorant and incompetent in the realm of rehabilitative programs. In the 1990s the recidivism rate in the Commonwealth of Virginia ranked among the highest in the nation. VADOC’s bungling efforts at rehabilitative programming proved so abysmal that the state legislature abolished both parole and early release good-time credits in July 1995. With the governor’s blessing the prisoner population and VADOC’s fiscal budget exploded. According to ABC news, prisoners in Virginia serve more time in prison now than any other jurisdiction except Florida.
This “Commonwealth of Virginia” is in truth a “colony” - a bastard child of the united snakes of amerikkka. Like father, like son this colony operates as a slave plantation of the kkkapitalist kkkrackers, with a major exception: no one is directly profiting from the labor of prisoners. But the labor aristocracy is profiting from our incarceration while giving us materials enough to simply keep us alive.
My friends, notice that these prison autocrats also say that the materials from MIM(Prisons) “…emphasize depictions or promotions of violence, disorder, insurrection, terrorist, or criminal activity in violation of state or federal laws…” Yet these same prison autocrats suck their livelihood from the tits of the United $tates whose founding fabricators once wrote that when people face a destructive government “…it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…” What was Common Sense? Why were Crispus Attucks and four other men martyred? What was the volatile resolution of the First Kkkontinental Kkkongress?
On 1 May 2014, the united snakes of amerikkka warned that “global terrorism is on the rise.” Since the kkkapitalist pigs refer to any threat to their hegemony as terrorism, then the revolutionary has reason to strengthen h resolve. The evidence reveals the pigs are in perpetual distress, and this is most fitting. If the U.$. truly is the “greatest nation on earth with the best form of government,” then why does more than half of the world’s population seek to destroy amerikkka and amerikkkans? Indeed, an ever growing number of so-called amerikkkan citizens wish only for the abolition of the current go-vermine-ment.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This censorship is a blatant example of the criminal injustice system’s real goals in the United $tates. There is no rehabilitation in this system. It is merely a tool of social control. The MIM(Prisons) prisoner study group is one of the only educational opportunities for prisoners in Virginia, and education has been demonstrated to have significant positive effects on reducing recidivism of prisoners. So in denying prisoners this material VADOC proves its focus on maximizing incarceration and sentencing. The “detrimental” effects on rehabilitation can only refer to our positive impact on prisoners and their ability to get by on the streets without returning to prison.