The United Lumpen Front for Peace & Unity in Virginia Prisons
[A comrade in the Virginia prison system sent us a proposal for a United Front among lumpen organizations in that state. When we sent some feedback on the statement we got this response explaining that so far it has been difficult to build support for the united front. The author also explains why this statement is focused on New Afrikan lumpen groups. MIM(Prisons) did not substantively edit the peace treaty except to remove one point of conduct prohibiting sagging pants. In discussion with the author we agreed that this is divisive on a point that is not critical to the united front. - MIM(Prisons)]
The inspiration for this peace agreement is the Agreement to End Hostilities that the imprisoned comrades put together in California back in 2012. Unlike the California prison system, there isn’t a legacy of revolutionary formations in the Virginia prison system. There is virtually no code of conduct, no guidelines of discipline, etc. amongst the general population and even within the lumpen organizations here. Pretty much “anything goes.” So the peace treaty is an attempt to establish a “Central” code of conduct or guidelines of discipline that all organization affiliates could accept and embrace, which will then establish unity and have us all moving in one accord.
When I say “us”, I am referring to New Afrikans because as Huey Newton stated: “there can be no black-white unity until there first is black unity.” And as it presently stands, there is virtually no black unity in the Virginia prison system as it pertains to the “struggle.” So, before we can work towards black-white/black-brown unity, we first have to establish black-black unity.
I am sad to inform you that it was not a success on a large scale, although a few individual members from various lumpen organization embraced the peace treaty. I grant you permission to modify the peace treaty as you see fit. It is only an idea, and as with all ideas, they evolve over time and blossom into something transformative and revolutionary.
The United Lumpen Front for Peace & Unity in Virginia Prisons
The basis of any real and lasting unity amongst all lumpen “tribal” or “street” organizations inside Virginia prisons requires an agreement on the following points and guidelines. We must hold each other accountable if any one of our comrades fail to uphold these points and guidelines.
Points of Unity & Peace
Peace: We organize to end the needless and petty disagreements,
conflicts and violence between ALL lumpen organizations in the Virgina
prison environment. Our captors (the pig administrators) use Willie
Lynch style divide-and-control tactics so that we fight, oppose and
oppress each other instead of using our time and energy on challenging
and changing unjust and inhumane prison conditions. If we want to change
our conditions, defend ourselves from racist oppression and regain
control of our own lives and destinies, we must establish lasting peace
in all Virginia prisons and organize across lumpen “tribal” and “street”
organizational lines for our own survival.
- Unity: We must achieve power by uniting, bonding, and struggling side by side with people in other lumpen organizations who face the same oppression, the same genocide, and the same enemy for our own common interests and survival.
To maintain lasting unity, we must establish a mutual love and respect between all lumpen organizations, and maintain an open line of communication so that we can peacefully and strategically handle any conflicts or disagreements that may arise. This is especially needed in Virginia prisons because of how our captors (i.e. pig investigators) use snitches/informants to pass rumors that divide us and keep us oppressed. The reactionary pig administration uses such tactics because they see the end of their control within our unity.
Proposal of Guidelines to Achieve Peace and Unity Amongst Lumpen Organizations in Virginia Prisons
We must establish a committee made up of two people from all lumpen “rival” organizations. This committee will facilitate an open line of communication and networking between all lumpen organizations, and at all times work to maintain peace and unity in the event conflicts and/or disagreements arise. Therefore, those people appointed to this committee must have considerable respect and influence within their respective organizations. This committee shall meet once a month (or as needed) to address grievances, resolve conflicts and disagreements, and discuss strategies on how we can best fight oppression and improve our living conditions in a collective manner. In addition to the above, in order to create structure in our prison environment based on discipline and militancy, and draw a clear line of distinction between us and our common enemy, this committee should establish the following rules for all lumpen organization members:
People from different lumpen organization should strive to eat together
in the cafeteria, walk the yard together, work out together, study
history together and smile and show love and respect for each other at
all times. This will allow us to build a bond based on Black-on-Black
bulletproof love and unity, and allow us to see each other as allies and
comrades instead of rivals and enemies.
Stop laughing, joking, playing, and engaging in casual conversations
with ALL prison staff members. Don’t initiate any conversation with them
unless it’s for the purpose of trying to get personal matters taken care
of. If prison staff members speak, then it is up to that individual
prisoner to choose to speak back out of courtesy, or not. This draws a
clear line of distinction between us and our common enemy and will cause
our oppressors/captors to take us seriously and have much more respect
for us than at present. This also builds unity because it will give us
the sense that we are doing something collectively.
Stop throwing your hoods up, peacing each other up, stacking, etc. in
front of (or in clear view of) all prison staff members. The wise should
always move in silence and we should never expose who we are, what we
are, or who our comrades are to the pig administration.
No one should engage in the creation or passing of any rumors or gossip.
The pigs use rumors and gossip to sow seeds of dissent and distrust
amongst the oppressed. If a comrade attempts to create or pass any
rumors or gossip it must be immediately reported to a committee
Every accusation made against a comrade should be backed up with true
facts and not based on assumptions or poor intelligence, information, or
Everyone who has a minimum of ten years left to serve must attend the
law library, study and learn the law, and work on their own case, or
assist another comrade on their case.
- Workouts (exercises) at least three times a week should be mandatory for everyone with Black lumpen hood/tribal organizational ties. All Black lumpen hood/tribal organizations were birthed out of the Black struggle and the need to protect and defend our neighborhoods, ourselves and our communities. We must be in the best physical condition to effectively defend ourselves, our comrades, our people and our communities from racist oppression and white supremacy.
These guidelines are a work in progress, therefore they can be amended/modified to fit your specific environment or area for maximum effect as long as they adhere to the two points of peace and unity.
“Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution. Pass on the torch. Join us, give up your life for the people.” - Comrade George Lester Jackson